Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 8: Dionysius Chia

I realised that Dion has a funny habit of borrowing other people's sunglasses. I have pics of him in Kok Wei and Damien's monster dogs, a pair of Jinmin's shades ( he has so many, i don't know which one), my Optic Nerve Savant, Weijie's Radar (above) and his own Optic Nerve. ( i don't know the name of his)

But it'll waste space, so i won't put all of them up. hahaha....

Well, he's probably the most familiar face to you, since you see him the most often. Well, he's got all your contacts. he organizes most of the events. he backdoors us into funny places.

Introducing Your Secretary-in-training-soon-to-be-official-secretary


(hahahaha omg.)

Well, like i said, you've seen him the most because for now, he's your easiest link to the rest of the team, because you don't have our numbers. (hell, i don't have any of your msns! o.o But don't ask for mine. You'll laugh your ass off.) and he's the one who explodes his phone bill to message all of you every time even though we could simply leave you to check the blog and too bad if you didn't get the message..

He can be pretty evil at times, though.

(let's all dump flour on Damien when he comes! =D Ready? 3.....2.....)
He also likes to bully people.....


....okay okay, just kidding, Dion.

You've also noticed that Dion has a very funny hairstyle. Very..... very... short. I believe Coach has told you why before.

I give Dion this- he is a very Decisive person.

If you make a mistake and coach tells you to shave your head as 'atonement', we are not looking for this:

I think the other seniors will know what i'm getting at.

Its difficult enough to have the courage to shave your head, and still have to face questions about why you did it, and answer honestly, "My coach punished me, so i have to shave it"

But given the choice between Shaving bald and leaving the team, Dion opted to shave, even though he was in the Main Committee of Adventure Club at the time, and his CCA position was safe (Not that he actually needs any more SEAL points... )

How many of you would do that? We know someone who did..... PARTIALLY.

And later on, when the commitment level of the Canoeing team (yeah, again, we were still canoeing..) got too high, he was forced to choose between his position on the AC's main comm or just another member on our team.

Long story short, i dont have to tell you which one he chose.

That's the admirable part about Dion. He can take an achingly long time to set his priorities, but once he makes his decision, he doesn't change it.

Only... he's decisive in all the wrong places.

Wait till you try shopping for a birthday present with him xD.

Scandal-wise he doesn't really lose out.

Oh my goodness! Its like.... a Korean Drama!!

I actually have a video of this scene, and wanted to dub in the theme song for 'Winter Sonata', but i realised i didn't have it =(

Besides, an uncle got in the way while i was filming anyway >=(

And....this one just looks too good.


Funny thing about Dion... if you walk down the corridor of school with him, you'll discover a World Without Strangers.

Every ten steps he meets a friend. I swear xD(Sociable Hor!!)
(no, just lookin sexay in my blue suit)

............. Try not to kill me, please. I didn't post the more unglam ones, as promised. x)

Now here's something to learn from Dion.

He's been scolded the most by coach, and most recently, once by us. Issues with responsibility, you don't need to know too much.

But every time we do it, he doesn't give random crap excuses or fight for his 'innocence' (denial, denial... so easy to do) He just sits quietly and one side, and ponders.

And then he comes back even stronger. Like recently, we just found out he's been doing 'secret training' with SAJC in between lessons. zOmg. Suddenly i feel so lazy. @_@

Like Dion, don't let the words of other people get you down, or you'll just be proving them right.

If what comes out of other people's mouth is crap, then just treat it as such. If its a joke which goes to far, ditto.

But if its true, and you know it, treat it as constructive criticism. LEARN FROM IT. Don't try to AVOID IT or protest that you're not blah blah.

I think the seniors will agree with me that Dion has changed a lot since he first entered the team. That's what the team does to you, as i said last night. Aside from last week's little slipup, he's pretty much a different person. That i know, since i knew Dion before we entered the team.

.....As a matter of fact, that's why i entered the team - Dion dragged me to the trials. -_-

I never regretted going though. (Only....the 560 push ups... and 560 sit ups..... were a little....excessive....)

He's also our resident 3-star holder by the way. If you want to see what an eskimo roll looks like, ask him. (if he drowns you must save him ok. =P) Although he wasn't very fast, speed-wise. In fact, on one of our first few trainings, coach scolded him for a 3-star losing to a no-star.

But every time he gets scolded, he trains even harder.

And as a result of all his training, he's currently among the top three juniors. He and Kok Wei keep clawing over each others' heads to see who's faster. Haha... (Kok Wei was another one who wasn't very fast the beginning, but just look at him now. Oh well, just wait till his feature. =D )

Anyway, you just gotta lurve Dion. Or at least appreciate him making his handphone bills explode for you guys at the very least.

So.... his birthday is coming up. *hint**hint*.

What can you get for him?

I shall give you a clue.

It stars with a 'P'

ends with a 'Y'

And it SINGS.

He'll be so happy when he gets it........

(He'll probably faint!!! xD)

-Kiiro (I got fever damnit. T_T)