Friday, November 14, 2008

To the Juniors.... You should have received Dion's message by now.

If you didn't, here's the announcement: 

Your water training time for tomorrow will be at 12pm, and probably will remain at this time slot for subsequent training sessions.

Good News: You get to sleep in late!

Bad News: Please take this very seriously - Should you happen to be late, it will be taken as an indication that you no longer intend to continue with the team. Now that the time slot has been pushed back by an astonishing 4 hours, i do not expect any latecomers.

Please be on time, ya? =)


Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 2:  Captain Weijie
When one of you confused Weijie's name with somebody else during the orientation day (i can't remember who it was) and feedback to us that Weijie was 'very fierce' , you should remember the stunned looks on our faces.

That's cuz - Weijie is the nicest Captain, period. While he does the parental part of managing our team, as in looking after our welfare, settling all the stuff that the school throws on him (while maintaining his awesome GPA) and giving us days off when we overstress our bodies, he cannot bear to do the other part of the job - that is, scolding us.

Not that we needed to be scolded. As far back as i can recall, there was only one incident, and that was because we were being a bunch of halfwits on a rainy day..... and Weijie was too nice to scold us, and the job somehow fell to Sam instead.

*Ahem*, anyway, moral of the story, he'll take good care of you if you take good care of him, and if you ever take advantage of his niceness, we will murder you.

I am not joking.


Well, we may be your Seniors, but technically speaking we're still Juniors too. But he never looks down on us in spite of having a year of training ahead of us. What i mean is, he doesn't pull Damien aside while the two of them train in one corner and let the juniors do their own self training (like dragonboat) 

He is the guy who finds, joins, and encourages to go for all sorts of events. The Nike Run for instance. And the 21km standard charted half marathon.

Well, while we're going for the half marathon, he'll be doing the 42km full marathon. (Yea, he's an amazing long distance runner, and his stamina is among the best on the team)

And he always gets pulled along with us for all sorts of wonky events xD

Like the recent run for hope for instance. Even though we weren't running... we Marshalled instead. Because we were lazy. (so shoot us. =X)

He does his job wel-....

Wait, what? o_O
o_O didn't see anything.

haha, ok... just trying to be funny.
Weijie also has a mind-boggling special ability.
He..... loves Ice kachang.

Remember me asking you to watch your diet? Well, he clearly doesn't have to...

Yes, yes...Dion is stunned. Because not all of us can eat Ice Kachang like that...

[And still have a set of 8-pack abs that pop out like eggs!]
...ok, so they're not really Weijie's abs. But i assure you it looks something like that. =D
Captain Weijie is also pretty famous for one other thing..... earlier this year, he set an amazing record...
By Half-squatting in this position on August 5th 2008, for an astounding 74 mins, smashing the previous record holder's (vice captain of girls' dragonboat team) timing for 60 mins. 

Imagine staying in that position for over an hour and nearly 15 minutes. I'd die.

Respect this man, and he'll respect you back. It'll make your life a ton easier, too =)