Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heya! I'm sure everybody is currently suffering from a terrible butt ache right now =)

Or maybe your legs are just a tad wobbly.

...Or something.

Fret not! Its just your body telling you that you guys did a reeaaally good job during your last training. Good job, and enjoy your aches =) 

Well, you're going to have to learn how to, anyway.

Though i bet precious few of you bothered to stretch yourselves good when you got home like Dion told you to, right?

(say yes.)


Here's a lesson on the importance of stretching.

Well, i hope you kids learned something, especially the ladies. ^_^

Ahem. Ok, on a more serious note... make sure you DO watch your diet. I caught a couple of you in bizpark today eating Char Kway Teow earlier. (won't mention who)

While i have no intention whatsoever to control or limit your diet, you're going to start wishing you had a few plates of fried stuff less in the past when you start to realise just how important your diet is in getting your washboard abs (for the guys) and your perfect hourglass (for the girls). So, take note and be wise =) 


Right now, your land training days are on Tuesday, 7pm tentatively (As per yesterday)


Water Training days - Saturday, 8.30am

If there is any change or amendment to the schedule, it will be posted up here the night before, so be sure to CHECK CHECK CHECK the blog regularly. 

If there is no post or amendment by 12am the night before, then it is a given that you should show up for training. So please don't message Weijie, Sam or Dion needlessly- their phone bills will ATHplode. 

And since i have mentioned it here, they are not under any obligation to reply you if you SMS them whether there is training or not. So just take note of this one point.


The only exception will be in case of bad weather, which is nobodys fault, so you guys will be notified by SMS. 


I know the previous few posts on the blog may sound strict and scary and all.

But that's because we're sports people. During training, we don't slack off. After training, you've seen how goofy and idiotic we can be. So, SMILE =)


Also ,If you're late, its your own responsibility. If you're absent, its worse, and we've made it clear that you are not obliged to stay on with us if you think it pressurising or too tough an endeavour for you.


From what i've seen, you guys are doing an excellent job so far, so good work ^_^

Train hard
And please.... please please please....

3 words


-Kiiro (Josh)