Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 7: Bryan Loy
By now you'll be used to hearing Bryan's voice during training. That'll probably be because he's the one that gives the commands on Weijie's behalf, both during land and water trainings.
Its a good job that you guys make a quick job listening to him, because he can shout MUCH louder than that.

(Bryan: "Maybe i look better from this angle...?")

Probably the best quality to describe Bryan would be "Initiative". He does shout out Weijie's instructions usually, but he will be the first to take action if needed. For example, you'll always see Bryan doing the demo of whatever exercise we are showing you how to do.

Before training, he'll jump to the front to speed things up with a quick "I'll lead stretching"

And if he goes gymming, he'll make sure you aren't left out by dropping you a quick SMS (Provided he has your number of course. Quick, go swap numbers with him)

You can probably see that Bryan's a real team player, in spite of how he appears to stand out, because he'll always be by his team, and hates to be left behind. (He complains when i didn't ask him to row because i thought he was gymming, lawl. o_O)

For example:

(Bryan:"What about me? Where's MY hug? *sobsob*)


I think Bryan's going to kill me.


And he WILL complain about stuff which don't go well, because he has opinions about nearly everything.

But when it gets down to serious work, he has no qualms about getting his hands dirty over helping the team.

Like a true 'Sai Kang' warrior! =D

Bryan will tend to crap a lot, you might have heard him saying stuff like 'Damien row so slow' or 'I row 10 times faster than Damien!'. Try not to misunderstand him, however easy it might be to...

But when you hear Bryan saying all this stuff, i assure you that its not what you might call 'arrogance', because there is no space for arrogance on this team. There is always, of course, Pride in your own ability, which is the most important part of being a racer- you'll never be number 1 if you don't believe that you can be faster than your competitors- but never Arrogance.

Its a fine line, but you must learn where and how to draw it.

He's modest at the funniest of times though. Like when i was trying to get shots of him for this post....

(Bryan: "No no! Dont' take my pic! Go 'way!")

(Bryan: "Aaahh you paparazzi don't take my pic don't chase me arrrgghhh!!")

Incidentally, you might be interested to know that Bryan's currently holding the heaviest paddle on the team, AND using the heaviest boat (T-1) along with Hafiz. (to be introduced...)

So while he flaunts his strength in a joking matter, bear in mind that it really isn't to be taken lightly.

Earlier i said that Bryan was a team player. In our context, this extends way outside competing and racing matters.

I mean stuff like eating with us after training almost every single time, going on outings with us... Hell, our team outings rarely need much organizing. They're mostly impromptu. Rofl.

One example- our Night cycling trip on Ubin..ohoh that was fun.

It was where our team got the reputation for 'whacking everything' (Nike run... Run For Hope... Salomon Run.... Standard Charted.... Night Cycling.... and Weijie represents the Lifesaving team on occasion too.) So if you see all our event shirts and think they look cool, dont be envious. You'll soon start up your own collection by being on the team =D

(Te Kai happy right. =O )

(Bryan: "Am i supposed to model?)

Author's note: Dion looks freakin' funny ahahahahaha. xD

(Bryan: "Omg its so dark... me scared.)

(Randall:"Don't worry, i'll be by your side protecting you for ever and ever.)

......... i got goosebumps typing that.


It was really a night to remember...haha cycling overnight on Ubin in the pitch blackness until daytime.

-Moral of story: Don't miss team outings, cuz you get about a 100 funny moments from Bryan on each one. Especially when Kok Wei, Bryan and Damien are all present on the same trip. Wakaka.-

one more thing before i leave.

I was considering whether to put this up, because it might discourage you guys a little.

But after considering, i think it would actually be more inspiration to a select few.

Did you know? Bryan is also a success story. When he first joined, he got through the trials super easy, because he was already fit before joining and he KNEW IT (like some of you.)

So he probably thought he would row very fast, at first (Like Damien) But he didn't account for the difficulty in balancing (Like Damien) and so he capsized a fair bit more than the others (Like Damien)

Until he capsized on one occasion right in front of coach, who promptly asked him to bring his boat up and leave the team (as we were still reducing our numbers then, due to lack of boats)

We fought pretty hard for him to stay on, but ultimately it was his willingness to try harder and stay on the team in spite of coach's telling him to leave made coach change his mind and let him stay.

...which was unlike some of the other people who left, who merely walked away, or joined other CCAs in spite of their 10-year-series answers given when coach asked them why they want to join kayaking. (For passion? =O)

I think Bryan has demonstrated an important point - If you WANT SOMETHING, REACH OUT YOUR HAND AND TAKE IT, because nobody is going to OFFER IT TO YOU.

You want to BE THE BEST, then AIM FOR THE BEST, because if you merely come for training every time as an obligation, i bet my ................. teddy bear, that you ain't gonna get NOWHERE.

If you want something, fight for it. Don't wait for it to happen by chance. And when you DO get it, appreciate your own effort instead of saying things like 'nah, it was nothing' or 'it wasn't that difficult', because that's downright hypocritical, and an insult to the person who happened to finish just one position behind you.

That's one of the basic rules of this thing called 'sportsmanship'.


Don't go for competition with this face, ok? Looks like you want to sleep anytime ahahahahahahaha. xD

By the way. did i mention that Bryan learn how to row K-1 in one day? =)

There's a record to beat.

-Kiiro (My ass hurts. Does yours?)