Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 3: Vice- Captain Samantha
You guys probably have this impression of Samantha being very strict right about now. That's because she's the one who has been putting up a serious face before you in all the trainings so far in your short time on the team.

But you really shouldn't misunderstand her, because Sam doesn't scold blindly or give wayward instructions. But i'll get to that.

Just so you know, Sam is the only female senior left on the team, in case you haven't realised.

Earlier this year, there were three, which dwindled to two, and eventually, (after a long story) only Sam was left. 

Girls, if you put yourself in her shoes for a minute and think - if all of a sudden all the other girls left, and you were the only one remaining, what would you do?

I hope it would be what Sam did - grit her teeth and carry on. The day the other senior girl left, all of us present suffered a blow, but Sam felt the impact the biggest of all. It was very visible on that day. (won't go into details)

But her determination not to give up, which i admire the most, and her perseverance only became stronger as a result of that, and after two whole months of hard training...

It paid off. It was a team victory, yes, but Sam deserved all the cheer.

Learn from her- never step down from a challenge.

........errrrr of course, in cases when the odds are obviously stacked too much against, you however..... -_-"

She doesn't mind sitting on the floor when the GUYS take the seats... erhemm...

And if you think back to tuesday, the bottles of H20 passed around were sponsored by Sam, too. I bet you remember it. I know i would, if i'd just run like your mother was after me, and then pushing through so many stations, one sip of a cool drink, i would definitely remember...

Now ask yourselves again- how many of you will spare a thought for your teammate when you head for the vending machine? At the most, you'll just offer a sip whoever is around from your can/bottle when you get back. But Sam really goes out her way (and her pocket) to buy another drink to pass around. Like the 100 plus this morning. That certainly didn't fall from heaven.

........... Why on earth do i have so many glam shots of Samatha? O_Oll

Time for some Unglam.


You'll never guess who the one beside Sam is. Well, you better not guess it right, or he'll kill me.
As you can probably see, Sam isn't the strict stick in the mud kind of leader we've probably experienced at some point in your life. For me, the best kind of leader has to
1)Know when to be serious
2)Know when to loosen up
3)Know when to break the rules.
I think you'll find in the near future than Samantha has got these three down, and pretty easily too.
Cheers to you, Sam =)
(oh by the way, Sam is faster than all the girls from SAJC =D)

-Kiiro (The twit who fell asleep on the bus on the way home and wound up in Toa Payoh.)