Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 6: Zion Poh
Hey Zion, you DO know that's a priority seat, right?

Its meant for Kinky people, Fat people and Michael Jac- I mean, Paedophiles only.

S'not good to sit there... =O

Well Juniors, you just got a rare glimpse of Zion today. Although you don't see her a lot during your training, she's present for every one of ours, even though she joined not too long ago. About 2 months earlier than you guys.

And guess what? Her fitness level is already almost on par with Sam (Although the skill and speed gap is present). That's probably because Zion already had the background with the sport before joining the racing team.

Say hello to the Ex-Captain of TP Canoe Polo Girls Team!
And my basketball-arcade machine buddy. Haha.... we combo pretty good on that. (Although we couldn't get past level 2. Come to think of it, i've never gotten past level 2. Has any one of you done it? o_O)

Zion is the most amiable, friendly and humble girl. She already gave all of us that impression on the first day she joined, starting right from the bottom with no complaint in spite of her canoe polo background.

I explained to some of you the difficulty level of the various kayaks before, but for the benefit of  those who weren't present...

Racing Kayaks are classified according to the degree of difficulty in balancing, on a scale of 1-10. (10 being the easiest)

The Slaloms, Dancers, and other Sea kayaks you have used (or are going to use) during your one star course, are difficulty level 10. Its impossible to capsize unless you intend to, and even then you actually have to TRY.

The T-1 boats which you are rowing right now (and will be rowing for a while) are relatively easy to balance.... well, we don't capsize in those unless we're trying to do some funny stuff. Those are assigned difficulty level 8-9

The Junior K-1 boats which you have seen last Saturday (The one i rowed out to the 500m mark with you guys in) is a training K-1 boat, and is, at an estimate, assigned difficulty level 5-6

And while you don't need to know this just yet, the K-1 racing boats which you see us rowing generally have adifficulty of 3 and above. The white boats we are using now, the NELOs are probably in the range of level 3, because they are pretty stable. The red Swift-Racing boats the school provided for us would be about level 2, because the CG system, or balancing system, is kinda wonky. 

The genuine deal, the real racing kayaks, are so streamlined, it literally looks like a fat person won't be able to squeeze into it. They look like really large needles. Go to youtube and look around if you want to see one. Now, those would be difficulty level 1, and they can capsize if you let them float by themselves on the surface of the water, and a wave just nudges it.

You guys are currently capsizing in T-boats... which is a learning process, not to worry.

But Zion tried the T-boat for roughly about 30 minutes on her first training session, and subsequently progressed to the Junior K on the same day.

Which is not to say that you guys have to be like her. Everything has its own time..

But she didn't gloat or even act like it was natural for her. In fact, you'll notice that Bryan likes to poke fun or crap about everybody on the team (all in good fun, don't worry), but he doesn't do it to Zion.

That's 'cause she shows you so much respect, no matter what your position is, that you just feel that you have to respect her in return.

Speaking of her first day with us, she was so friendly, in fact, that...
We dragged her to Sentosa on her very first day on the team
And she bonded really quickly with everybody, including people we invited who were not even on the team.
Haha... kite flying.

If you ever need a friendly face on the team, you know where to look.

Anyway, to make up for her being less experienced than the rest of the other girls on the team, she trained very hard, coming for every single training during the 2 month break.

And proceeded to place number 4 in the Round Ubin Kayak Race 2008.

That makes our girls 3rd, 4th and 5th. Whooppeee. Lol.
Remember this Kitty? Check Episode 4 if you don't.

Well, Zion saved it, when it had fallen into a corner, injured its leg and was meowing pitifully in hunger. She Crawled under the gate, picked it up, soothed it, and gently brought it back out. Although... she does tend to have her evil side, too >=D
Sinful, yea? Special treat on Damien's birthday.... we fed him all sorts of crap like this. (Damien's gonna remember the trauma when he reads this...)

Zion (force)fed him chicken wings.
And she sure looked like she enjoyed it. xD 

Don't get on her bad side.....

(haha kitty in the picture)

Although its not likely you ever will, considering how nice she is. hahahahaha...

Don't mind the abominable snowman in the last pic.

-Kiiro (The ass who loves 'dangerous' birthday parties... >=D)