Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There was post here about a certain Cameron Highlands trip here about 5 mins ago, but i removed it because

a) Apparently, we're over the deadline. By quite a bit.
b) There's a... TRAINING PROGRAMME which i think is only gonna waste a little (ok, a LOT) of our time. And it doesn't sound very inviting to me.

So a mass team outing will be planned on a later date.

Oh, By the way, Episode 7 of 'Getting to know TPKRT' will be delayed one day because

1)I don't have enough unglam pics of our next celebrity (you know who you are. Heh heh)
2)I am ass tired today. Don't ask why.
3)I'm probably going to be ass tired again tomorrow, anyway. Wish me luck T_T
