Monday, April 27, 2009

To all the new batch out there...CONGRATULATIONS in becoming part of the kayak racing family. :D

Some of you have made sacrifices already, but all of you are gonna make more sacrifices in the year to come. Yet you'll definitely feel the sense of satisfaction and fulfilment in joining our team cause we not only grow physically, but mentally also. Many of you may be coming into the team thinking that the worse is over, but really, its just the starting. I'm not here to intimidate you, but to prepare you to expect some obstacles along the way.

Personally for me it was and STILL ISNT smooth going while training in the team. Some of you may face parental objections, some, other commitments, and still others may start to find excuses for yourselves to not turn up for trainings. No matter what, lets all take one step at a time each day and you'll grow pretty fast not too worry.

Of course, all of us in the team are here to help you improve yourself and if you have any doubts just give us a call (I GOT FREE INCOMING :D) and we'll try our best to help you out yea?

I'll post up the sat timing tomorrow hopefully after I've confirmed it with our coach.

Till next time...