Thursday, April 2, 2009

Team outing

Alright team, after waiting for so long the team outing is decided and it will be held this SUN!
Instead of the original plan of going to SENTOSA (So Expensive and Nothing TO See Actually), we will be going to cycle and have dinner tgt. Cool right. =.= So janice, don't complain anymore!

LOCATION---East coast park or Pasir ris.
Time --- 1 pm Sharp
People involved---My lovely team members and the 2 people who helped out in MR 500 Race (Mixue and AROOOOOONNNNN) and of cos COACH. ( I will try physco him to come)

Stuffs to do for the next few weeks
--Train hard (Swim, run, row)
--Do up the notice board
--Prepare flyers for the Cca Recruitment booth
--Plan the New Intake trials
--Focus for the Pa Paddle (FOCUS)

Thats all. Train hard guys. =)
Your Kind, nice
vc kokwei =D