Saturday, March 28, 2009


It was a nerve-wrecking experience, wasn't it? It had already started from bright and early in the morning.......
(Everybody should enlarge and read, except for those 2 in the pic.)

And for the juniors, I'm sure it was really an eye-opener, to see that in the true world of kayaking, there are levels that us, your seniors, cannot compare to even though we may be faster than you currently are.

...Like so.
(Janice wasn't that far behind actually, but my lens wasn't wide enough to include her. Damn.)

But it doesn't stop us from fighting on. That's the spirit of a TP Kayaker.

And no matter what the outcome, always come back with a smile.

(just like that.)

It is what we've been training hard for all this while, and will train harder for in the future.

Which is not to say that we can't all have some... fun... along the side..
(I didn't mean this.)

But all in all, everybody did a very good job today. Even the Men's K-2 who went down to 'play', although it was the first time you ever paired up, it was impressive.... err... except for the last minute, regarding which, i Have...

Ahem. It'll be great if everybody (Tekai excluded because he's flying off. sob.) Still comes down tomorrow to support those who still have races remaining.

In fact, you gotta come down, because we'll be taking a full team pic, and you'll do it if you want your face on the notice board.

Otherwise, if i don't see you, i will hunch you down.

I know i'm a little crazy in this post. Forgive me. I've got 2 finals on my mind tomorrow.

Tata for now.

-I Don't Even Have to Sign Off. =S