Sunday, March 1, 2009

Training this week 10am Mon-Sat. Some days there are double trainings for seniors. Tmr 2nd training at 1 30 or 2pm depending on what time we end. Bring shoes.

Wednesday shifting boats to MR for NJCC but its only for Bryan and Josh. The rest training as per usual.

Friday, Kayak Racing AGM in the evening. Probably 5pm. Everybody must keep it free. Its compulsory. Agenda of meeting will be sent out within the week.

Well team, the holidays have started (for most of you) so take this opportunity to pick up on your JK's and move on to actual K1s or improve in your timings in preparation for MR500. I know that some of you may have your own schedules that include work and obviously play so please inform either myself or Wei jie when you CANNOT make it. Out of the 6 days of training, if you're absent for 3 or more times per week...I'd have to say adios to you.

Of course there'll be fun and outings as well. hahaha. just wait for it :D

Senior team, work hard. This is the period where you'll help yourself improve tremendously if you bother to train. MR500 is less than a month away so wake up and pull up your socks. You all gotta start motivating each other and pushing yourselves to your limits if you want to break barriers and get our boats. Its time we own something for ourselves. In the meantime I will try my utmost best to convince the smelly people up there that we totally deserve boats.

another thing to look forward to tomorrow...DAMIEN'S COMING BACK!!!!! WELCOME BACK QM! GET READY FOR PWNAGE. hahahahaha. :D:D
