Monday, February 16, 2009


1-I know its stressful, but never fear, i'm here to help.

I swear, that was sheer genius.

2- Study times..... study study study. What could be better than studying with your dear teammates and getting all distracted in hours an hours of unproductive staring at notes? =D

....I'm kidding. If anybody would like to study with the rest of the team, usually we'll be up around library 7th or 8th floors. Nearly every day. Some tradition started last study period... lol.

Anyway, just give me or Randall a call if you want to join us. Its.... erhemm. Fun. And tasty. Once you discover the skills of evading cameras. Youknowaddeyemean.

And Sam, i'm on the NJCC registration, don't worry.
