Monday, January 26, 2009


(try not to get too fat...)

(but even if you DO....)

(We've got some... 'help' planned for you. xD )

Anyway, our team is going to hold a REUNION gathering, for all Ex- TPCT / TPKRT teammates.

1st batch
Jinmin, Weijie, Samantha, Damien, Yolanda, Chrystal, Wen Hao, Peng Ghee (and a few others who left before we entered, i do not know...)

2nd batch
Arun, Cynthia, Zion, Bryan, Dion, Josh, Kok Wei, Randall (And i would like to include Hafiz, only that he doesn't celebrate CNY...)

3rd batch
Qing Ling, Janice, Choon Teck, Te Kai, Zhi Kai, Timothy, Kiew Yuan, Gary, Irene. (Coach's special students who train with us are welcome too.)

And of course, Coach himself.

Ok, this might seem like a lot of people, and i'm still puzzling over where and how we're going to cram all of us into one place...

But its most likely to be next tuesday, 27th Jan, unless too many people cannot make it, in which case i will change the date.

You can help me out by messaging me (or finding SOME way of letting me know, i'm sure you can.) whether or not you can make it, from what time till what time.

For now, it looks kind of like this.

Venue: Sakae Sushi (Hopefully not the one at Changi airport) [We all sit at the really long table]
Time: Lunch buffet, should start before 2
Programme: Lunch! Then we'll see what a huge group of people can find to do that is fun.

I'm secretly banking on the possibility that not everybody invited is going to turn up. But that doesn't mean  you can get out of this just cuz' you have some other reason other than being busy. ^_^

Anyway, just get back to me soon on this. Ciaossu!
