Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hello hellooo! Training this week is much lesser in view of the upcoming marathon. It'll only be held on Tuesday and Wednesday 4 30pm.

I have strict orders from coach to tell you all that the rest of the days are for you all to rest and not strain your muscles in any way.

Saturday we will be moving boats over at 9am. So we will pack everything Friday evening 5pm. All Sns and Jnrs are to be there unless you have class. We will be testing water at kallang after that and doing a few portages. Nothing heavt though.

Choon Teck is going for the team managers briefing on thursday 7 30pm. Can anyone volunteer to accompany him to kallang. Preferably a junior. If not Freshie would be fine.

Final briefing will be conducted either on friday or sat.

and dont worry about not having enough boats...apprently coach says we do have enough and he's going to fix the damaged ones tomorrow.
