Sunday, January 18, 2009

Singapore Canoe Marathon 2009

Firstly, a big THANKS to our Team Manager and his Two Helpers!
(Without whom we wouldn't have made it smoothly through the SCM.)

Well, They doubled as extremely good photographers too, catching really heated moments when we all pulled into the portage one after another, here are some samples, i will upload the rest onto photobucket later...

(go go K-2!)
(He looks like carrying handbag, for some reason)

(and he... looks like an anime pose)

AH HA- The pics show that Weijie went to the feeding late every round. o_O

And what's with Randall's cool pose? Stay tuned to find out.

Well, I hope you guys didn't get too bored sitting there... But it looks to me that you were... uh... well equipped to handle the boredom.
With a little picnic...
And a little camwhoring... ahah cute pink hat rangers.

And of course, not to forget our MEDAL WINNERS

(a mysteriously prophetic picture....)
[8th place, Bryan Loy]
[Runner Up, Dionysius Chia]
(And a stylish Entry)
[3rd Place, Samantha See]

And.... this is just how many 'Kids' Coach has, caught together on film for the first time.
(Big.... Family... o_O)

Congratulations to our Medal winners, for doing us proud.
The rest of us, we may not have won anything, but look how much stronger the experience has made us. All of us guys can now row on par with Coach!

And Bryan, who's only been rowing K-1 since after the RP Invits, beat me in a 200m sprint, with Randall not too far behind. Omghax. o_O

Anyway, disappointed, of course we are, if we didn't win anything. But it is experiences like these from which we learn, and are inspired by. The thought of 'I could have trained just that bit harder' is what will push us to train harder for the NEXT competition. So, be disappointed all you want, but never be disheartened.

We are going to own The NEXT ONE!! =D

"                 TP!!               
                    Ready Steady Pom Pii Pii!!!       "

-Kiiro (I just thought it'd be nice to have a cheer since SA has a really cool sounding one.)