Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Its here!!! The Template for our very neglected noticeboard which we have been talking about updating for..... er... the past 2 months or so. 

Like i said, its just a template, so the things we need to do now are...

1) Actually design the logo. I liked a swordfish, but Damien thought a drake sounded good but the floor is still open to ideas. 

2)Upcoming events is pretty easy, really. Nothing to add here

3) Yes i know i ripped off from 'Heroes', but its a CMM thing. Right, ZK? Anyway, Pick a few of the best pics because its going to showcase all of us to the entire corridor. What better time to get pics of yourself than in your first competition this weekend?

4)I don't think the 4th section needs much modification. Its straightforward too.

5) Printing the stuff out. It will take less than 10 mins. 

6)Doing up the board. It ought to take less than half an hour, but if the logo is to be as fancy as the current 'Canoe' one we have now, it could take longer. 

And voila. Our work cut out for us. Suggestions and adjustments are welcome because -please- its YOUR board as well. =)
