Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hello everyone out there, be it those who have alr signed up at our booth or those who haven done so.

What we do?
Basically in our sport, we will train swimming, running and most importantly is KAYAKING! =D
If you guys and girls do not know any of the stuffs mentioned above, fret not! We will train you up to be an All Rounder! As a matter of fact, the previous batch of team members couldn't swim. But with training, they can swim at a fast speed.

The trials will be on mon, 27th apr. 6.30 pm. Everybody bring your shoes and running attire. There will be some exercise being carried out to check out your physical standard! If you really want to be in the team , be part of us, be a kayaker, SEE YOU AT THE TRIALS
(Anyone who will be late or cannot make it please inform me or my Quarter master)

Vice captain