Thursday, December 4, 2008

OK.... i'm a little busy to update on RP Invitationals just yet.... Projects, and Tests next week and such. (I'm sure you have yours too. Kok Wei shaddup. lol xD)

But the blog just seems so dead.....

So, as a reward for checking so regularly, welcome to a special Webisode parodily -i mean- proudly brought to you by TP Kayak Racing Team:

Be sure to press 'PLAY' before you continue with this post...
(ignore the video, i did that on purpose. you just need the audio)
(i SWEAR this was COACH'S idea...)

Starring: -Damien Koh
-Guy Whose Name i Don't Know
-A Random Monkey (Yes, i mean a REAL one.)

Storyline: -Coach

After a long, hard, tiring day of rowing..... he feels his muscles starting to ache....

The sore feeling numbs him over. He looks like he's going to cap and die anytime...

The fatigue threatens to overwhelm.... his Jantex suddenly feels like a huge lump of weight which even his grossly oversized muscles can barely cope with...

But the sight of a friendly face among the crowd

Brought a huge, wide grin to our hero's face. (are you playing the song? if you haven't, scroll up and click 'play' NOW.)

And suddenly his strength is restored, renewed.

[Coz you know I'll Row a thousand metres if i could just..... see.... you....... tonight.....]

And thus our hero presses forth with renewed vigor.

But wait. Who is this mysterious empowering 'you'?

Could it be...... SAM the GLAM?

(Oh, you flatter me.)

Damien: What do YOU think? -_-

Could it be... JOSH?

(Look! I can do the Weijie smile! =D)

Damien: ".......errrr......."

Well then... it just has to be ... WEIJIE!!!(I am using this blur look because Josh stole my smile. Damn him :( )

Damien:" AIYO... of course not lah!!!!"

Weijie: *unspeakably hurt expression*

Oh my. Just look at the agony on his face. Hell hath no fury like the Captain scorned.

Back to the story....

----*Cut to a seemingly endless grassy plain*---

*The soft sound of water slapping against the rock*

*Whispered mutterings and sweet nothings which actually went here but i removed for the sake of the other guy who i don't know O_Oll)*

?????:"... So......."

Damien:".... So..."

?????:"wanna make out?

Damien: "Yea man, its time! =D "

*fade to black*

*rustle of clothing*

Damien: "I'll just leave our clothes here. I'm sure nobody will take them. Who'll even come by here anyway?"


Who'll come by?

Well, by a twist of fate....

A Random Monkey..... and Josh.

(the monkey ran away in horror)


screenplay by........

(Ha ha..... zhe quan dou shi wo de IDEA. You shen me shi lai zhao wo jiu hao le OK? =D )

-Kiiro (Should you happen to find my body floating in the reservoir on Saturday, you'll know who did it =X)