Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 10: Goh Kok Wei

For some reason, till we cannot fathom to this day, Kok Wei bought the monster dog even though he wanted a Radar so badly. We went to all the shops selling Oakleys' around Singapore (i exaggerate) just to try them on. o_O
Before i continue with this post, i'd better stress that you guys better appreciate the value of this entry....

Just like watching the stuff on Discovery Channel.... you don't really pay much attention to what's behind the scenes, but...You have no idea how difficult it is to get Kok Wei on Camera O___O"

Alright... serious stuff.

I mentioned before that Kok Wei is now one of the 3 fastest Juniors on our team... but he wasn't always that way, to be honest.

Seeing you guys during the orientation, i really felt like laughing. Not because you guys are unable to do pull ups yet, but because you reminded us so much of US back then. Haha...

The first time Kok Wei tried pull ups, we were supposed to do 50, in as many sets as needed.

He did two.... then started screaming like hell was on fire. xD

Well, he's naturally loud....

And so, on that very fun day, he needed support to finish everything. (And i can't remember whether he DID manage to finish it or not)

And during one of our first land trainings, we were supposed to do as many dips as we could in 1 minute. Suddenly while doing his set Kok Wei shouted out 'WAH CB!!' I'm sure we all know what that means. Char Bor lah!! x)

(Lol Muchsin.)

.... I don't think the rest got that.

Well anyway, he got a hundred push ups. Which we spread among us and helped him to finish. That was our first incidence of teamwork.

Ah memories. Lol. Sounds like 20 years ago. xD

Well anyway, that was Kok Wei back THEN


And this is Kok Wei NOW.

Incidentally, do you know what's significant about this pic?

Its the one day we got punished by coach. And Kok Wei specially came down just to get punished. He wasn't dressed to row or anything, but just came down to get screwed by coach. It was 5 of us who made the mistake, and he was one of the five.

I don't call that stupidity- i choose to call it Responsibility.

If not for his attatchment at the start of next year, Kok Wei would be the obvious choice for the next Team Captain after Weijie steps down for his own attatchment, because he is, by far, the most responsible guy on the team.

If its his fault, he'll absorb the blame.

If he's late he will call/message to make sure you know, and he will usually tell us to go ahead without him.

If he's supposed to train, he has always been down by hook or by crook, even during the time when his arm got injured.

And now, as his K-2 back rower, i know that the most, that if he said he'll be there, he will always come down and not walk out on you then message an apology afterward.

(Yeah, power of K-2. Lol.)

He may look like a small kid for now (especially when he starts doing retarded things) but if he needs to, his mentality is beyond his looks and age. Ever seen him serious? Its pretty scary, even to us. (during your trainings...)


(He does have his Kiddy moments xD)

He can also be our poster boy for now... because the nicest pic we have of one of us in a K-1 features him.

(Can you believe this was taken by a phone camera? Haha...)

Sometimes you have to watch out though..... his sense of humor can be.... awkward......


Han Bao Bao.

Anyway, i mean.... stuff like....

Yo Momma's like a camera.

One Flash... And you're BLIND.

Ok, Joke's over, now, if you're done choking on your dinner, get that strand of noodle or rice out of your nose and continue reading.

I don't know how many of you ran into us during recruitment day, but like i mentioned earlier... Kok Wei sure didn't slack off on that day.

Familiar scene?

Well, you would have remembered if you ran into 2 mafia bosses halfway down the corridor. o_O

Yeah.....well..... he has his lazy moments, too.


[He is literally drooling over a female model, by the way.]

To Kok Wei from me:

"If you win, you need not explain anything. But if you lose, you'd better not be around to explain" - Adolf Hitler.

Well, i don't fully agree with this quote.

But i sure don't intend to come in last.

I know we're probably going there as the K-2 with the least experience in the whole competition

But it doesn't mean that we have to hand a victory over to them. 5 days left, lets make the best use out of it! =D

RP INVITATIONALS UP - Lets go, TP Kayakers!

(By the way Kok Wei, you need modelling lessons =D)

as promised, i left out all unglam pics. =)

-Kiiro (Sorry about any spelling errors and typos in this post. I'm blind today)