Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ok, your friendly blog mod Kiiro would like to request that everybody just stop it. Its beyond bad sportsmanship, and veering towards childishness. In closing, i'll just clarify that i don't believe that the majority of medal winners would have an attitude which allows them to post nonsense like that, so i'll end with a friendly reminder...
Anyone who's still upset may look for me to argue... i used to play dota on bnet, the land of noobheads who have more fun arguing that playing. (i suppose why they get owned so much) and should i ever wish to argue, i'll get in 10 sentences before you have time to type 2. But what's the point really... you'll just be making fools out of both of us. 

Just Stop taking it out on the tagboard.

Back to business... this is long overdue..... =O

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 12 (Season Finale): Randall Tan
Omg, kyaaa!!! So Shuai!!!
Of course. I'm in 'Hey Gorgeous' ok!
Ok, i shall stop poking fun at Randall.
But he really is in "Hey Gorgeous", so be sure to vote vote vote for him xD

Ok..... you guys probably known Randall as 'The Pull Ups Guy" for his effortless display of 10 pull ups during your orientation day...
And then he came down, then went up again and demonstrated another 10 more effortlessly.

......And then up again to demonstrate how to do 10 wide-grip ones.

But you know, Randall, like the rest of us mortals, wasn't.....always... that fit.
But just look at him now
Mfft. He probably didn't want the girls to see him and faint. How thoughtful he is.
he's not available, though, ladies, because he already has somebody he cares about very much.


Ok, seriously speaking, at the start Randall wasn't the fastest of people on the team... in fact, coach barely noticed him. (And pronounced his name as Brendan. He still does occasionally, actually o_O )

But slowly it became evident that Randall, while not amazingly fast, isn't slow in the slightest at all. He kept maintaining his position- right in the middle.

His rowing technique is nice to watch too- very long,smooth, steady strokes. Probably attributed to the Kajner 6 paddle he uses. Its the biggest blade we have on any of our paddles (and the only thing which can slow down my helicopter frequency so far. I love that paddle)

He's also much smarter than he looks. While he may, at times appear 'blur until cute', so to speak, he's one of the few who actually has his training schedule planned our far in advance. Pull ups for instance.

Before he injured his back during round ubin, we were 'pull-up buddies' (har-har. ) He told me about his training plan for pull ups to eventually do 10 sets of 10.
(my eyes went spinning.)
Pretty remarkable for someone who couldn't even manage one, 6 months ago.

[Well, although he was slower than the rest of us in getting his abs, they showed up at last a few weeks ago... haha. Happy Randall.]

He also happens to be forever cheerful... you'll see just by being around him.
o_O a little TOO cheerful...

He's also the proud owner of an extremely cool set of wheels. His very own motor............
......bike? o_O"
Well, all the riding is probably the reason why he has easily the best and most... um..... unique skills when it comes to cycling. Well of course we have our own skills, do you think we all just kayak? xD Bryan can skate, Kok Wei plays basketball, Randall cycles... oh well, you'll find out slowly what our special skills are =D
Yes, he can not only do handsfree (which is not a big deal), he can run and even ROW. @_@
Ask him how it works. I wouldn't know. Hahaha
Well, if there is ONE thing to criticize about Randall.... I'd say....
His amazingly funny/hilarious
... don't kill me. =x
Well... All i can say is, you'll have noticed that in all the pics, Randall is always smiling. or least, he doesn't frown. As a teammate to us and senior to you, take it from us that Randall is one of the most amiable and friendly guys you'll ever meet. 

Appreciate his existence, because if you ever need a friend, he will be there for you. (also available as a lunch-time pull up buddy. =D)

And oh, yes.... you must be wondering... why he looks like a model? Show me the unglamzzz!!!

Well, i can't you the most interesting ones, because i know that somebody will kill me if i do...

But... just so you know...
Does have his unglam moments too xD
Blur coc! =D

Hahaha... ok... i better go before i die.


Special message: Well, that was the end of season one of 'Getting to Know TPKRT'. You probably know all of us by now...

Or do you?

Not everything i know about each individual on our team, i posted.

And to assume that i know everything about each person...?

To truly get to know a person takes time. While you want to know more about us, we want to know more about you too, because we are beyond a team- TPKRT is a family.

We can only afford this, however, because of our small size. Hence, only the best can remain.

I am not just talking about rowing skills and physical strength. In time, you will find out what i mean.

There will of course be a season 2. But will you be the one to write it...?

[a new programme will be replacing 'Getting to Know TPKRT'. Watch this space. (i am such the typical media student lawl.]

-Kiiro (I ate 4 egg yolks today. Am i gonna die?)