Sunday, November 30, 2008

RP Invitationals

Ta-tada-taaaaaaa~ And the winner goes toooooooo.......

.......No i'm just kidding. I'm not about to feature us. Only that this is the only pic i have so far of our LAST RACE OF THE YEAR! ...haha.

Will update soon, when i get my hands on the pics....

But before that.... A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO SAM ('the dumb dumb' - Damien)

Why? Go ask her. =) Or wait for the post.

Before I go...

JUNIORS- We might be the only team to actually send Juniors down for serious events, but i think we did awesomely. No Stress - when our own time comes, we're gonna sweep the medals... woohoo!! =D

SENIORS - I remember kinda us getting owned during NCC. Because of all the super high levelled people there, and inexperience. But this time, i think we gave them something to think about, don't you? (You should have seen how the other 5 K-2s stared at me and Kok Wei when we popped up in the finals. Haha....classic.) Anyway, you guys really are our greatest inspirations. So don't stop fighting =)

Well, I'm sure every one of our races was spectacular and memorable in its own way, so please add on your own personal event's experience to the post after i'm done with it (Should be up by tomorrow night) 

For now, take a good rest. You've earned it guys!! =D


Oh yes, Freshies, Arena Sale tomorrow. It'll be a good chance to get your tights, trunks, goggles, Rashguards.... and whatnots. In case you didn't know about this trip, and wish to go, you can contact us tmr

-Dion : you ought to know his number
-Me (Josh) : 92994469

And we'll tell you how to find us. (Its around Henderson road, but i don't know just where, yet...)