Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting to know TPKRT: Episode 11: Muhammed Hafiz
Wahaha... time to meet the other T-1 kayaker on our team - Hafiz!
The other being Bryan of course. But he would like to make known that HE CAN ROW NELO.

You know what the both of them have in common?
In spite of having problems with JK and K-1 before, they both could progress to the Nelo on their first attempt. They're only rowing the T-1 boats for their respective events during the POL-ITES, as we can only send 2 people for each event.... bummer.

Hafiz is a survivor - did you know that he missed an entire month of training with us during Ramadhan, the fasting month? 

He couldn't train because... well its obvious. What's the first thing you do after each training? (after showering too, of course.) 

On a sports team.... that's a lot of experience he missed out on.

But i don't think he was sitting around on his ass the whole time, because when he came back to the team after one month, it was as if there was no difference. 
In fact, he was one of the few who got the hang of our 'bandits' during our Round Ubin Recce trip.

When others went spinning round and round, Hafiz and Dion were the two who visibly, easily went straight... probably attributed to them being sea kayakers. That's where the stars come into play...

....but only once a year, ok xD

Haha.... that was the only time in his life that Hafiz could say he was faster than Damien. xD (He went spinning, too. )

On the actual Round Ubin, with just 1 month of distance training, he completed the full 22km pretty easily...... errr..... with a handy can of Red bull. ._.

Well you can usually spot him gymming, because his classes, sadly, crash with our water training times.

But then it wouldn't be too bad to have multiple Damiens on the team. har-har.

.............I've just realised that whenever i'm trying to be funny, Damien's involved somewhere.

Ok, next i shall make fun of Kok Wei. =D

Back to topic...

Hafiz is always ready to pose for a photo.
(oi. i wasn't ready yet.)

Ok... 3...2... 1


Which doesn't really explain why i have so few individual photos of Hafiz. T_T

Who wants to stalk Hafiz? DSLR rental at ................

And.... the following picture is also archived as a classic.

This 'dance' wasn't planned. They just happened to be standing there, and doing their own respective rubbish.


HAFIZ AND BRYAN, you better win us back medals for the T category, man. Whooohoo.....!

-Kiiro (I lost my thumbdrive for the 16th time T_T)