Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting to know TPKRT [Season 2]
Episode 11 - Law Te Kai

Introducing Mr Te Kai, your friendly neighbourhood....

Paddle thief? o_O
zOmg. Damien, you should know where to find your paddle now. =D
(there are paddles in the background, but it wasn't me ok!!)

Naw I'm kidding. Te Kai doesn't use such a short paddle, he likes to use the really long ones. Because he is tall. Yes, he is tall.

The term I would use to describe Te Kai is 'helpful', because he is. I just realised, while looking for pictures of him to put up, that there aren't very many of him. The reason being, he was the photographer for those competitions because i couldn't very well lug my camera around the whole day. Although he does take retarded pictures sometimes.... (There's one of a H20 can, and somebody's foot.) He doesn't mind that he doesn't show up in the pictures, just to help us capture the best moments in the competitions. And of course, a hundred unglam pictures of Janice.

Helpful also in that when you're coming up from the club's side, and you see Te Kai, you can happily dump all your paddles on him while you're bringing up your boat.

....I'm kidding. But really, it should be an automatic reaction to go down to help your teammates in any way you can if your hands are free. Especially if they're carrying a T-1. Not exactly the lightest of boats, but i guess you don't me to tell you that.

Like some other people we know, there are also pictures of Te Kai getting into compromising situations. Lets look at this one again. I guess the focus wasn't on him since it was Charles' feature, so lets take a closer look....
Hah. Ok. As you can see, the relationship between them runs deep-


Te Kai. Stop seducing my son, please.

Which brings us to Te Kai's second hobby. Te Kai enjoys seducing people...
.......Well. That's Qing Ling actually. But you know what i mean.

And of course, dressing himself immaculately.
I guess all is right and fine, but I realised from looking at the pictures that somebody was a little more interested in throwing rocks than watching our races, hmmm? =O