Friday, June 5, 2009

Training is BACK!!
Alright team listen up! there will be training this coming sat. (Which is tmr!) Im sure everyone finished their tests! So, sleep early tonight and get ready for water training tmr. =)

First Group 8 am (meet at club. NO EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE)
This group includes myself, josh, randall, damien, weijie, bryan, junice, lydia, XiuTiNG,
LIM YAN LING and yi chao
We will be doing lots of sprints so eat more pasta today!

Second Group 10.30 am Sharp (You can be late, but don't even bother to come)
This includes tim, janice, zhi kai, te kai and all the New intake.
Janice take charge of them tmr. Make use of this chance to lead. Get the guys to help you but remember that you are running the show, not them. =)

Bring running shoes, wet shoes and change of clothes to BATHE PLEASE!
