Monday, June 1, 2009

Getting to know TPKRT [Season 2]
Episode 6: Chay Weijie

One of the 3 Grand-Seniors of TPKRT, alongside Tsunade and Jiraiya. (I realise that they match, because one's a monstrously strong woman, and the others a perv. I don't know how Weijie is Orochimaru, though.)

Meet the man (boy? o.O) Who was responsible for leading the seniors' batch to become monsters.

Tha's right. Up until before you guys entered, Weijie was the holywonderfulsupermagnumsexyglamorous Captain of our team =D 

Weijie's background wasn't always in Kayaking. Prior to his entering the team, he was firstly in Track and Field, in his schooling days, and then Lifesaving, when he first entered Poly. (Which explains why the whole senior batch is in lifesaving...) He won quite a few medals for them, too.

Its easy enough to see why, because Weijie is the resident stamina monster on the team. You know, wherever you go, there always seems to be these one or two people who don't seem to get tired no matter how much or how far they run around...

Now a stamina monster on a tertiary level sports team is something else altogether. If you haven't already realised it by now, you'll realise it soon. I swear the guy's got lungs in his butt.

Take for example, how he recovered from the sundown marathon in one day, when I myself and even Kok Wei were still limping today. 
He may have looked the most 'chui' yesterday, but who's laughing today! O_O"

(there's a secret character somewhere. TBA in episode 9)

Weijie is similiar to Randall in the way that they seem to... transform, if you will, if the situation needs it. In competitions, Weijie will drop that cute looking face, and become...

Ok. So that's not really scary. But it looks determined enough to impress. O_O

The primary reason why I stayed on in the team was because we had a leader who did not shout at us, did not have to scold us to get his point across or to get the job done. Although it was handed down to Sam to be the bad guy.  (One generation down, Sam is terribly nice, and the bad guy job is handed down to poor Kok Wei. Now we know what the Vice-Cap's field is o_O")

He may appear to be one of the most mild-mannered people you'll meet, but the truth is- he's crazier than half of you put together.

Like the time we did 400m interval rounds in our own self training (under time limit), and even Kok Wei and I managed a maximum of 7 rounds while Weijie went ahead and did 11.

Or the time he tried out for the Standard Charted Time Trial (5 inner reservoir rounds within 2 hours) even though he was not feeling well and nearly died at the last round. (And probably would have, if Bryan and I had not decided to follow him just to make sure) 

And then he fell sick with high fever right before the actual Standard Charted run, and went ahead to do the 42km anyway. 

...or the time when...

Well, if i list out Weijie's craziness, I'll be here all day. I'm not saying you should follow and be as crazy as him, but one thing you can learn from him is his spontaneity. 

It is the art of saying 'ok set' at moments when people least expect it.  Christ knows, its an ability we ALL need to learn. If only not to become wooden puppets who conform to every norm in society..

Aside from that, its no secret that Weijie is full of love-
( =D )

Ok no, not just that. If he doesn't like something, he can't fake an interest in it no matter how hard he tries. But conversely, he's kind of extreme when he does like something. 

Like the road bike obsession. Weijie is a contagious disease... first, he got us all into lifesaving...
And now he's got us all crazy over-

.....Road bikes? o_O

I'm kidding. That's ZK's mercedes. 
...Weijie's bike is a lot cooler =D

Weijie's second hobby is dragonboating. One day he hopes to be double the size of the Dragonboat Captain.
We'd already gotten started! =D

In his free time, Weijie also enjoys spending time with his concubines...

(Don't kill me. Kill Junice first. xD )

Well, i know Weijie isn't going to kill anybody, because he's too nice for it.

However, you do have to take note never to exploit Weijie for his niceness, or else....
yaknowwad I mean. =)