Monday, June 1, 2009

buckle down and pull up your socks team!

Hello my dear team. Havent seen you all for a week already and I'm sure that most of you are pretty much buried in your stack of notes(I HOPE!). Please do take your Mid sem tests (MST)seriously as it plays a vital role in saving your either current defunct GPA or start your very first term with good grades.

After MST's are over on friday I'd expect every single one of you to start on a very very important task ahead for the next 2 weeks. Your training.

Seniors, those that are taking part in NCC please put in 110% of your effort and strength into every single lap that you go down for. You might think that you're training hard, but other teams are training just as hard, if not tougher. You want to get the gold, so do they. its just a matter of who deserves it more. You or them? You decide for yourselves.

K4 guys AND girls, I havent been hearing of any training sessions lately for the past week. Maybe you didn't keep me updated even if you did train or you totally did not have water time at all. I do sincerely hope that it's the former and not latter.

I know that the upcoming event will not be a repeat of the past years results, yet at the same time I do not want it to turn out the same way as it has been for the previous few competitions. You all will probably understand what I mean. It means mediocre results. We cannot afford to settle for such results and remain contented. Let me remind you of some of the values we have set at the beginning of the year:

(Put in best effort in everything you do)
(You can do it and you WILL do it)
(Stay focused, and never stop until the end)
I really do hope that these values will spur all of you to working your ass out for the last 2 weeks before the competition. Lets give the school something to boast about yah.

Freshies, take these 2 weeks as an opportunity to quickly learn the essential skills of rowing and you'll definitely be taking your 1 star during that span of school break. Also make use of every single day to up your fitness level on your own. Self discipline, self discipline self discipline. Watch your diet, do your training, sleep enough, enjoy life.