Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting to know TPKRT [Season 2]
Episode 8: Zion Poh

Now here's a face you guys may not have seen very often. But then, all the more introductions are in order, right? =D

(Why you feature me? D: I punch you arh...)

Well, i think many of you may not have seen Zion before, because as i recall, she was only present for one of your training sessions due to her being busy with.... well, i don't know really o_O She's the secret character of our team. You know, the kind where you move out of the character selection screen and suddenly there's this extra square with a- wait, why am i talking about this. -.=

Anyway, one meeting shouldn't have been able to give you much impression of here, and therefore, this is what this feature is all about.

I will reveal Zion's true identity- Truth is.... she was not from our batch! =O 

She kind of joined halfway through the year, but don't get any ideas... it was only on account of her background. 

See, Zion is actually the former captain of our school's Canoe-polo girls' team. 

(wake me up when its over..)

......yes, we do seem to draw many appointment holders, don't we...

She left because of some issues, and its not my nature to pry, so i didn't. But what we do know is that her title wasn't for nothing, because she mastered the T-boat in one day (her first try) and went on to begin learning the Junior K-1 on the same day.

Shortly after joining us, she bravely entered the round ubin race with us as well, a staggering (well, staggering if its your virgin attempt.) 22km 'cruise' across the channel to Pulau Ubin, from Changi, with crazy waves buffeting you from both sides and.... well, its open sea. Go figure. She came in 5th. 

Then, she joined the T-1 category in the november IVPs even though she was so small sized. Which...probably explains her face up there.

And then in January... Singapore Canoe Marathon with a round hull boat. 
The waves in kallang are just as bad as Ubin, if you factor in the backwash generated from everybody. And a boat with a rounder hull has a higher difficulty factor in terms of balancing. So naturally, she capsized quite a few times. But she didn't even consider withdrawing from the race, she just paddled on and completed the 20+ km. (Strangely, i can't remember the women's K-1 junior distance... either 22 or 27km, but its a feat either way. o_O)

Come March, MR500, where she paired up with Yan Ling on a K-2, even though it was their first pairing. 

Well, it got us this picture of the impossible angle of tilting....

Randall: "Its a high level kayaking skill called srifting aka drifting" 

(thanks ah Randall.) 


What's more to say about Zion? Well, it really is up to you to find out. But what else i can tell you is that she certainly isn't afraid of Unglam....... unlike some*coughkokcough* people..... 


.....actually on second thought. Make that. *CoughTPKRTminusDamienandZioncough*

o_O We iz very glam canoeing team.

And lastly, something that all you guys can learn from...

She's less afraid to get her hands dirty that most of us are.
Like the Kitty in the previous episode. She was the one who saved it, by crawling under a really low grille, and retrieving the poor, starving thing.

And Randall became his papa, but that's a different story.

But beware, though.... while Zion can be so caring and gentle....

There are times when....she.... can be...

downright ebil. o_O

And yes, if you haven't realised it by now, Birthdays on this team are....relatively dangerous affairs. So you'd better not tell us your birthday unless you like bondage!!!

..............RANDOM O_o

(I'm just being horribly random today. That really wasn't any hint of what we're going to do on Kok Wei's birthday. Really. Now go away. The episode is over. No, really.)