Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting to know TPKRT [Season 2]

Episode 10: Tan Zhi Kai

(a.k.a Zedkae. Or Ducky. Or Peter. Or ducky peter)

Meet Zhi Kai the Glam, who is all about taking good care of his hair.
Zhi kai was our resident T-2 rower, before they moved on the K-1, which brought us this picture which i like so much.
....Even if its completely wrong, it looks good if its an 'X'.

In his spare time, Zhi kai enjoys doing retarded things with his T-2 partner, Charles. =D
Ok. I was kidding.

Zhi Kai's real story is a lot less funny than that. See, when he first joined the team, Zhi Kai was not exactly the most fit in the bunch. In fact, because he was my coursemate, and I assure you that sportsmen are a rare commodity in this particular course, I naturally assumed he would be just like the rest of them. And none of us really expected him to stay, frankly. Especially after there was this brief misunderstanding with Bryan at the start... well, suffice it to say that i can be rather evil if i want to, using this blog.

But to Zhi Kai, i would attribute this - he is thick-skinned, and willing to learn. He knew he wasn't the most fit out the batch, but worked the hardest to prove that he deserved his place.

The results, well, they speak for themselves. I remember that their october intake was large enough that we were able to have a 'rugby' match at the orientation. To his credit.... only 4 remain, now.

And I can tell you..... the reasons for leaving were...

Frankly, when you DO leave, I'd far rather you give me a frank 'I lost interest, sorry' rather than some wild stupid excuse. It'd leave us with a far better impression of you, honestly...

Anyway, I'm sure those who have been coming for training can probably see.... on the first day of your holiday training, just how many people showed up.

You may be able to outrun, say, Zhi Kai, but if you can't display the perseverance that he has shown to date, you're not going to survive...

And mind you, he's a survivor from LAST term break.

Yup, that means daily double trainings.

Don't say chicken feet till' you've really experienced it.

Right. Now, like most CMMers, Zhi Kai tends to say retarded things at the worst times.... for example, making Yi Chao laugh when he's struggling to finish one tiny piece of chicken, which then sets of a chain reaction..



"You- go in and out and in and out and in and out"

xD Sorry, private joke.

But in his serious moments, he can be seen to be very absorbed in his own thoughts. He's the only person so far who can visualize and go completely still, like a rock.

Nothing really significant, except that you know when he is getting serious, but its rather interesting to see.

Anyway, like the rest of his batch, ZhiKai has progressed to the K-1 smoothly...
And is now able to row the NELO, coach's pride and joy. The shiny white boats.

Today, the guy who we thought would be the first one to leave has stayed on, strong, and can probably out-pullup you at any time. o_O

Did I also mention that he's the fastest K-1 rower among the juniors?

...Guess I didn't. Well, now you know.

Now here's one last secret about Zhi Kai.

He's actually a HERO.

Want to know why?

Ask him about this picture.

It was the day when he performed a heroic act of.....
...tune in next time.

Oh, by the way, can you guess from this pic why Zhi Kai is a ducky?