Monday, March 30, 2009


The Drake
Kayaking and Dragonboating are merely the water-sport reflections of Track and Field and Rugby. The discipline of Stamina is more dominant in Kayaking and Track and Field while Strength is more dominant in Dragonboating and Rugby. 

The drake is a smaller version of a dragon. A lesser Dragon, if you will, not possessing the same amount of weight and firepower, but in exchange, it is significantly faster.

For a Kayak, which is speedier and smaller than a Dragonboat, this image suits us to the T. 
(A 2 man boat easily beating a 20-man boat. You get the idea.) 

(Don't mind the corner of the wing on the left. I started to shade it before i realised that my scanner probably would screw it up.)

Its got a western-style dragon concept because, obviously, we didn't go to lengths to avoid being confused with Canoe-polo, only to start getting confused with Dragonboat. Although Damien does have that problem from time to time...

The Sailfish

It was the Sailfish, not swordfish, that was the fastest sea creature. My mistake.

Individuals have been clocked at speeds of up to 110km/h, which is the highest speed reliably reported in a fish

Which speaks for itself, why its in the logo, really. Not much explanation needed here...

The sailfish's body doesn't actually bend so much, but i thought of our connection to Coach's 'endorphin Kayaking' and suddenly the image of a dolphin appeared.

Endorphin - Dolphin? o___O

I hope that's not the reason. But if someone like me can fall victim to such imagery, I'll assume the general public may, too. xD



And choose wisely.  Because its going on our board, AND on our shirt. I don't really care even if our budget only allows one shirt this year, but no matter what, you have my promise that its going to look better than last year's -.=

Oh, and the material will be better too.

Quality over Quantity, i say.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good job guys on the races today. I'm so proud of all of you, including the juniors. You've all given your best and I know that, you all know that. It has been a good experience for the first timers, and another stepping stone for the rest of us. In fact, you all have improved tremendously and you should be proud of that.

I'm sorry that race day had to end on a lousy note because of me. But lets all forgive the smelly race organisers alright? :) For my sake. Thank you for being such awesome teammates by talking to J, but its just a medal and I guess I'll have lots more opportunities to get them! hahaha.

Rest well and I'll see you all tuesday 8 30am at the club!


Saturday, March 28, 2009


It was a nerve-wrecking experience, wasn't it? It had already started from bright and early in the morning.......
(Everybody should enlarge and read, except for those 2 in the pic.)

And for the juniors, I'm sure it was really an eye-opener, to see that in the true world of kayaking, there are levels that us, your seniors, cannot compare to even though we may be faster than you currently are.

...Like so.
(Janice wasn't that far behind actually, but my lens wasn't wide enough to include her. Damn.)

But it doesn't stop us from fighting on. That's the spirit of a TP Kayaker.

And no matter what the outcome, always come back with a smile.

(just like that.)

It is what we've been training hard for all this while, and will train harder for in the future.

Which is not to say that we can't all have some... fun... along the side..
(I didn't mean this.)

But all in all, everybody did a very good job today. Even the Men's K-2 who went down to 'play', although it was the first time you ever paired up, it was impressive.... err... except for the last minute, regarding which, i Have...

Ahem. It'll be great if everybody (Tekai excluded because he's flying off. sob.) Still comes down tomorrow to support those who still have races remaining.

In fact, you gotta come down, because we'll be taking a full team pic, and you'll do it if you want your face on the notice board.

Otherwise, if i don't see you, i will hunch you down.

I know i'm a little crazy in this post. Forgive me. I've got 2 finals on my mind tomorrow.

Tata for now.

-I Don't Even Have to Sign Off. =S

Friday, March 27, 2009


Finally Mr500 is here. Guys focus tmr! think of how hard we train and do your very best. We can do it! I want everyone to sleep by 11 tonight. Rest well and you will be able to perform better.

Its your first race tmr. Relax. Don't care about winning or losing. Just experience.

You guys should know what to do! =)

Everyone report by 7.45 at sports complex. Juniors wear your team temasek shirt. The red one. Seniors wear singlet and your jackets. I've asked janice to assign some people to help bring some food and drinks. Last thing to note, bring shoes for a light warm up. tats all. Rest well tonight.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Its here!!! The Template for our very neglected noticeboard which we have been talking about updating for..... er... the past 2 months or so. 

Like i said, its just a template, so the things we need to do now are...

1) Actually design the logo. I liked a swordfish, but Damien thought a drake sounded good but the floor is still open to ideas. 

2)Upcoming events is pretty easy, really. Nothing to add here

3) Yes i know i ripped off from 'Heroes', but its a CMM thing. Right, ZK? Anyway, Pick a few of the best pics because its going to showcase all of us to the entire corridor. What better time to get pics of yourself than in your first competition this weekend?

4)I don't think the 4th section needs much modification. Its straightforward too.

5) Printing the stuff out. It will take less than 10 mins. 

6)Doing up the board. It ought to take less than half an hour, but if the logo is to be as fancy as the current 'Canoe' one we have now, it could take longer. 

And voila. Our work cut out for us. Suggestions and adjustments are welcome because -please- its YOUR board as well. =)


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Alright team, we have trained so hard during these few weeks. each and everyone of you should be able to sense or tell how much you've improved through all these trainings.
It takes a lot of will power to wake up everyday and make yourself go for training. This shows how strong your will power is and how determined you guys wanna win. So guys, hang in there keep pushing yourselves. Tell yourself that you are THE STRONGEST.
We can do it guys. Give it all during training. FORCE EVERYTHING OUT.
If training is not tough, why bother to train?

Sunday, March 8, 2009


For tomorrow's training, please bring...

1- Running Shoes (Fitness test)
2- Matriculation card (Very important if you don't bring you can go home. =D )
3- Swimming gear (You don't bring nevermind. You can go skinny dipping, as long as you don't damage our eyes.)

4- For those taking part in MR500, please bring $14 as well. (if you didn't bring i can lend you first, but i will charge 300% interest.)

 Omg 6 days left.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

4 30PM
1. Handover
2. Budget
3. Workplan
4. Team Goals for AY09/10
5. Individual Goals for Ay09/10
6. Training schedule/Main season

Monday, March 2, 2009



From: The team.
YOUR team.

And of course we're never going to forget the look on your face when you walked into the room......
(laugh at his face, now. =D )

Happy (R)21st birthday, and hope you become more manly and grown up... says somebody.
And enjoy your presents. The oakleys, the bag etc.

One year older, one year wiser.

....I hope. xD


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Training this week 10am Mon-Sat. Some days there are double trainings for seniors. Tmr 2nd training at 1 30 or 2pm depending on what time we end. Bring shoes.

Wednesday shifting boats to MR for NJCC but its only for Bryan and Josh. The rest training as per usual.

Friday, Kayak Racing AGM in the evening. Probably 5pm. Everybody must keep it free. Its compulsory. Agenda of meeting will be sent out within the week.

Well team, the holidays have started (for most of you) so take this opportunity to pick up on your JK's and move on to actual K1s or improve in your timings in preparation for MR500. I know that some of you may have your own schedules that include work and obviously play so please inform either myself or Wei jie when you CANNOT make it. Out of the 6 days of training, if you're absent for 3 or more times per week...I'd have to say adios to you.

Of course there'll be fun and outings as well. hahaha. just wait for it :D

Senior team, work hard. This is the period where you'll help yourself improve tremendously if you bother to train. MR500 is less than a month away so wake up and pull up your socks. You all gotta start motivating each other and pushing yourselves to your limits if you want to break barriers and get our boats. Its time we own something for ourselves. In the meantime I will try my utmost best to convince the smelly people up there that we totally deserve boats.

another thing to look forward to tomorrow...DAMIEN'S COMING BACK!!!!! WELCOME BACK QM! GET READY FOR PWNAGE. hahahahaha. :D:D


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