The Drake
Kayaking and Dragonboating are merely the water-sport reflections of Track and Field and Rugby. The discipline of Stamina is more dominant in Kayaking and Track and Field while Strength is more dominant in Dragonboating and Rugby.
Kayaking and Dragonboating are merely the water-sport reflections of Track and Field and Rugby. The discipline of Stamina is more dominant in Kayaking and Track and Field while Strength is more dominant in Dragonboating and Rugby.
The drake is a smaller version of a dragon. A lesser Dragon, if you will, not possessing the same amount of weight and firepower, but in exchange, it is significantly faster.
For a Kayak, which is speedier and smaller than a Dragonboat, this image suits us to the T.
(A 2 man boat easily beating a 20-man boat. You get the idea.)
(Don't mind the corner of the wing on the left. I started to shade it before i realised that my scanner probably would screw it up.)
Its got a western-style dragon concept because, obviously, we didn't go to lengths to avoid being confused with Canoe-polo, only to start getting confused with Dragonboat. Although Damien does have that problem from time to time...
It was the Sailfish, not swordfish, that was the fastest sea creature. My mistake.
Individuals have been clocked at speeds of up to 110km/h, which is the highest speed reliably reported in a fish
Which speaks for itself, why its in the logo, really. Not much explanation needed here...
The sailfish's body doesn't actually bend so much, but i thought of our connection to Coach's 'endorphin Kayaking' and suddenly the image of a dolphin appeared.
Endorphin - Dolphin? o___O
I hope that's not the reason. But if someone like me can fall victim to such imagery, I'll assume the general public may, too. xD
And choose wisely. Because its going on our board, AND on our shirt. I don't really care even if our budget only allows one shirt this year, but no matter what, you have my promise that its going to look better than last year's -.=
Oh, and the material will be better too.
Quality over Quantity, i say.