Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reminder, training tomorrow 4pm at club. Bring your running shoes along as well.

Finally water training after 1 week! Put your 1 star skills to good use yes! Its time to buff up cause every single one of you is a Temasek Kayaker from now on. Be proud of it, be proud of your team. Other sports teams are starting to sit up and taking note of us.

Team Temasek shirts will be out hopefully in August and the seniors are in the midst of getting this years Team singlet design out and ready for all Temasek Kayakers to wear! So show me that you deserve to don our shirt and singlet alright!

Some of you are starting to fall sick...not exactly the best time so please take care of your bodies, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. if I hear reports of any members falling sick, you guys gotta shave botak! Including senior team!

Hopefully I'll see you all next Monday during training. I've been missing the team!

Kok Wei will be leaving for SIP from next week and I wont be back till 1 August so as of 6 July, Wei Jie and Randall will be stepping in to help Bryan and Josh manage the team. Any queries can be directed to either 4 of them for the next 4 weeks.

Dont miss me too much!!!
Sam :))