Monday, June 22, 2009

Land Training
This coming wed will be the land training for ALL. 6.30 at Sports Complex.
Bring the usual stuffs.

As for coke.
I know the training days are not fixed and it is hard to come for somedays. But you must think. There is alot of adminwork to do before organising a training. For land training, we have to plan and make sure that there is enough seniors to look after you guys. Swimming training, we have to book the pool and we have to make sure that coach can come and coach you guys as you are all at the beginning stage. Lastly kayak training have to be planned in a way that is does not clash with other SAJC team training as we are borrowing their boats. And we also have to book a timing with coach always at the last min because he got 2 other schools to coach. Its not that easy to organise stuffs.
For the issue on lateness, I think its everybody's responsibility to come for training on time. It is one of our team values. Even the senior team, they will be punished if they are late.
