Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tomorrow's lovely holiday plans....

Freshies, Juniors and Seniors...

Meet at the pool tomorrow at 6.30pm , with your running shoes, swimwear and of course, clothes to change. I mean, shower. Or you will smell like socks, and you wouldn't want that. :D

I understand that some of you might end classes later, but do try your best to be on time. Like Coke said, better late than never.

Oh do remember your matric cards and GOGGLES. No heroes please because even the lifeguards bring goggles. Just so you know, the eye isn't a muscle that you can 'train' to be chlorine-resistant, and prolonged exposure will only damage them. What you're training is only your pain threshold.

Oh my, i sound like a mother.

But we're all going to have fun tomorrow, aren't we? ^_^

(Oh, and if you're wondering why its suddenly at the pool, its because the entire sports complex is closed tomorrow and on the 29th due to AYG. That includes the showers. Bummer D:)