Sunday, September 21, 2008


Run For Hope

1.Participation Fee
$35 Adults and $18 for full-time students with bonafide ID.

This represents your donation, one (1) raffle ticket (applicable only
for adult registrations of $35) and an official t-shirt (while stocks

On-line Registration
From July 29, 2008 to October 4, 2008
Please collect runner's pack from: 
The Regent Singapore
1 Cuscaden Road
Singapore 249715
Collections to be made from Monday September 1, 2008 to Saturday October 4, 2008
Mondays to Fridays 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturdays & Sundays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm 

here to register online 

Email was sent out to bsc who is ic of taking in marshalls from TP and results is....
We can't both be marshalls and runners at the same time... soooo gotta pay ourselves?
unless the sch wan sponsor?

Re: run for hope‏
From: Yanti (
Sent: 21 September 2008 21: 31PM
To: Dionysius Dionysius (
hey! yeah, you can take part as marshals!
but i think marshals cant join the run.
so you have to choose i guess. (:

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Dionysius Dionysius <> wrote:
When? 5th October 7.15am - 11.00am
Where? East Coast Park
What? Run for hope T-shirts will be provided for all marshals.
Who? You!
Why? Because it is meaningful and SEAL points will be given as well !
Replying to your post, 

Firstly, if i am not from Business studies club, am i allowed to join the event as a marshal?

Secondly, Can marshalls take part in the event and run too?

Please get back to me soon...  Dion =)