Saturday, September 20, 2008

What is it with us and maple leaves?

I don't know. =S

ANYWAY... for those of you who couldn't/didn't go to help with the moving of the beautiful Nelos (yes, they have arrived, in case you don't know..) here's what you might have missed.

Unveiling: (please turn on your speakers)

Following that:

The moving out of all the boats. Hard work.

Tired people.

Step 2- Demolishing of the frames.

They looked like they had fun.

And....i kinda broke a hammer while demolishing. oops.

Anyway, what you guys missed was a great way to de-stress.

Step 3: Bangla work

No comment.

Step 4: Transportation back to our lovely Bedok reservoir, which was so boring there are no pics of the process.

Step 5: Unwrapping and installing the Rudder

Look at Damien, hard at work.

Step 6: Weighing and marking each boat.

For the record...

The Nelos are not numbered externally yet, but they are numbered from 1-10 inside

Nelos 1-4 are for the bigger sized guys, the seat will be right at the back.

Nelos 5-8 are for the middle ranged people, about Kok Wei's size.

Nelos 9 and 10 are for girls' usage, the seat will be nearer to the front.

All to bring to you..... our 12 beautiful new babies.

(however, the two on the far left are not for our usage. :) want to know why? Call this number.)

Good news: Everybody can now start training up their K1s. So far, Randall, Bryan and Zion have successfully started rowing K1s. Don't lose out to them ;) Kanbatte!
