Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This week is definitely filled with good news and good stuff coming our way.

1) NELO! *Screams in excitement* *Sam jumps about in her chair excitedly* But i cant go :((( I'm totally pumped about finally getting to touch, caress, ride the Nelos. Ok that sounded reallll wrong. But anyhoos! They're finally here!!! Months and months and months of waiting...since March. Gosh. A dream becoming reality FINALLY :D

2) Dear all,

RP will be organizing the Invitational Canoeing Championship 2008 (Polytechnics & ITE) again around the first 2 weeks of November 2008. Venue is tentatively confirmed at MacRitchie Reservoir (To be confirmed with Singapore Canoe Federation). Detailed information for the championship will be finalized soon, once we have confirmed the events, rules and schedule with SCF.

Proposed categories for the event includes:
1000m events: W T1, M T1, W K1, M K1, W T2, M T2, W K2, M K2

500m events: W K4, M K4, M C1, M K1, W K1, M T1, W T1, M K2, W K2, M T2, W T2

Hence, we would like to know if your institution be interested to participate in the championship?
Thanks and we hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great day ahead!

Best Regards,

Leong Yihui
Administrative Officer I Sports Development
Office of Student & Graduate Affairs
Republic Polytechnic

Hi Yihui,

TP will be sending a team.

Thank you,

Best Regards,
Kennieth Chan
Student Development Officer
Student & Alumni Affairs
Temasek Polytechnic

The long awaited announcement for POLITE is hereeeee!!! :D :D :D
Train hard and then we can truly "let our paddles do the talking"

3) I'll leave that to Wei Jie to announce when you all meet up to move the beautiful 12 nelos. *Sam is on the brink of tears, not being able to go down.* I should think you guys would be happy to finally get this item. :))


Those that are retaking exams. Be it supp paper or external papers. JIA YOU. STUDY HARD. DONT LET YOURSELF OR THE TEAM DOWN.