Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everytime I take a look at the nelos, it takes my breathe away. I've never dreamt of the slightest possibility of being able to row in one, let alone having the opportunity to be a "keeper" of 12 world class boats.
We really need to appreciate the sacrifices that Jiao Lian has made to make it possible for our team to improve and have a level playing field with the rest of the institutions.
Team...I do hope that none of you will ever, ever take the Nelos and more importantly Jiao Lian foregranted. We have no right to do so. Respect him, respect his property.
Moving on, I know that training has been up-ed to twice a day. While everyone *well...excluding me for the past few weeks* continues to train hard, remember to get sufficient rest and play as well. Which I think shouldnt be much of a problem. Haha.
I leave you with a quote from Stevie Wonder:
-We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.