Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Initial designs up, because i don't like dragging things...

Design 1: With Graphics

This design includes graphics...

Lets assume we have a white based sleeveless (although i hate looking like a national flag...)

Any other suggestions for color schemes will be greatly appreciated.

Since it's decided that putting names is inappropriate, and nicknames are unprofessional, i thought maybe we could personalize it another way- by coming up with a nice quote to put on the front of the shirt, and signing off with ' -TP Canoe Team'

As for the back, the dragonboaters shirts have dragons on the backs .... I saw another shirt... TP Sports Club i think, it has a lizard on the back of it, the lizard being made up of the word 'TPSC". So i think having graphics would be a good idea...

I don't really think a paddle would be a good idea...maybe someone could volunteer to draw something?

Design 2: Text-based

Pure that's helluva lot neater..... but, well...

If you ask me, it looks dead boring.

The fonts are actually pretty cool. I went font-hunting for about half an hour for them o_O

Design 3: Practicality

Suggested by Arun...

This is the most practical arrangement, because nobody will know to turn their heads 180 degrees to see the ambigram unless we tell them to. This way, its much easier.

You just can't see the images properly because this is the biggest size that blogger will allow me to upload the pictures without them being pixelated.

Suggestions will help in finalizing the design so we can actually start step 2: Finding the right shirts.
