Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ok guys, i put up the banner....

Hope you like it. I know there are a couple of errors here and there... that's actually because my mouse at home sucks -_- should have done it in school...but anyway, i know i left out some people, but if i kept waiting for your photos, i'd never have gotten the banner up. you can still send me your photos, though, if you want, so that i can slot them in when i retouch the banner.

Tomorrow, Coach will be down at reservoir the whole day, i will be going to join him before land training. Anybody who wishes to join me can come down too.

But just remember that we still have land training after that.

As for the banner, i'll clean it up when i have time, because now its- OMG 1:21 am o_O

Time to start on my projects.

Till tomorrow!
