Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fitness Bulletin

As a canoeist, physical prowess will, and must be one of your main priorities.

Many people including some members of our team believe that fitness cannot be improved or maintained when you have a lack of time. This is a myth I wish to abolish.

With as little as fifteen minutes a day, you can improve your fitness level dramatically, especially if you're a novice to performance training. The key is Intensity.

For rowers like us, our priority should be our core muscle groups, back muscles, shoulders and arms. Neither should be neglected, and a strong pair of legs to support them. Therefore if you do not have time to row for a certain day, or go running or hit the gym, you can perform these two exercises (even at home).

One arm standing row. (Use a resistance band or any substitute and tie it to anything which won't give way, around your waist level. Stand in front of it. Put your right (left for left side) leg behind and keep your back straight. Proceed to pull the band with the right hand all the way past your hip and return to starting position. Do it quick, and use your core to bring the band as far past your hip as possible. Other hand will be free. That's one rep.)

Bodyweight squat. (Simply stand and keep your back straight, lower yourself down until thighs are parallel to the floor and then return to starting position. Do until failure (unable to finish last rep), rest then attempt another set.

Attempt up till five sets for these two exercises if possible. Reps you adjust to your level. Remember, intensity is the key, do it quick and properly.
