Friday, August 8, 2008

Yo Guys,just a couple of announcements...

Announcement 1)

Because of exams, from tomorrow onwards, water training will only be on THURSDAY and SATURDAY.

(meaning that there will be no training tomorrow)

You may still come down to do self-training, but while it shows your dilligence, i wouldn't really advise it because the main point of lessening the trainings is to allow you concentrate on studying during this period.

Announcement 2)

There will still be water training this Saturday, and it is especially important since now we are able to do our own self training, Coach would like to teach us how to perform proper rescue techniques. (Along with the SA people)

It will start at 8am, around 2-3 hours.

Even for those who are more or less stable in a JK already, you may have found that rescuing people in the JK is not as easy as in a 'T', so this training is especially important, its something that we all ought to learn, so i hope i can expect a full attendance from all of you guys, if possible.

cya =D

(Don't come down to the reservoir tomorrow :D)
