Friday, June 20, 2008

Next weeks training schedule:

Monday land training-6pm
Wed land training-6pm
Friday swimming-6 30pm

Very slack compared to your holidays so I do hope that everyone can turn up. Its basic discipline. If you cant even attend evening trainings, forget about staying in the team.

Wei Jie and I are gonna be serious about your attendance. Just for your information, if your attendance does not hit 70% for the semester you get no seal points. Further more it'll also play a part when we decide on competition rowers.

Also our SDO Kenn has just informed us that for anyone whos GPA is below 2.0 he would not hesistate to pull you out of the team, book you a study room and give you private tuition. So while you are training hard please study hard as well.

As I always believe: Study HARD, Play HARDER :)
