Wednesday, November 11, 2009

17 days till POL-ITE. Everyone is working hard and training as much as possible. But please remember to take care of your health and have sufficient sleep.

Sleeping at 2am and waking up at 7am isnt the best thing a sportsman/woman should be doing. Be wise in planning your sleep so that at the very very least you're having 7-8 hours of sleep. You might claim that your body feels perfectly fine with only 4-5 hours of rest, but it is not sufficient. Your muscles need to recover and sleeping is the best way to do so.

Also please watch your diet. Gassy drinks (apart from 100 plus) are out. And your favourite western food...start ditching the wedges and platters of fries if you want to be the best. They'll only help you in gaining an inch around your waist.

17 more days till we show the rest of the polys what we have. Seniors, you all have been working so hard for this day. I know you all want it badly. I do as well. Some schools are aiming to grab both the championships this year. We're gonna prevent that from happening and bring back the trophies.

Push on, push hard.