Saturday, July 25, 2009

As some of you have been informed already during training today, training will be cut down to 3 times a week starting this coming monday. So it'll technically be only on Mon, Fri and Sat.

Obviously some of you freshies were not around when I made this announcement or you werent listening to me hence the tag on the board. 3 times a week i believe is totally managable since its only at the beginning and end of the week.

I've been monitoring yr attendence and some of you guys are doing a pretty impressive job of skipping training and turning up once a week. Seriously, dont waste your time and the seniors time if you're only training once a week. We want to train team mates that are passionate and ready to sacrifice 2-3 hours on weekdays to improve their strength and fitness. If you're not one of them, just give me an sms telling me that you dont want to train with us anymore.

Seniors, like I've mentioned, Invites are only 4 months away. I do hope that you still have the same goal in mind as you had at the beginning of the year and that is to win. Coach's debrief today was a wake up call for some of us and we need to pull up our socks and get our butts in the boat 5 times a week if we want that shiny cookie and recognition.

I KNOW that all of you can make time for personal training 1 hour a day IF YOU WANT TO. I know it because i have seen you all do so. Think about your priorities and try to plan and manage your time well.

Of course, I'm not saying that you shld be neglecting your studies. They are the most impt, but 1 hour a day perfecting your technique and increasing your strength inst gnna kill you, its just gna give you a healthy lifestyle. For those days that you gym...try and replace them with rowing ok?

Just something that I cropped out from another poly's kayaking blog:

"Last year we lost the overall woman champion by 1 point and this 1 point can be salvage by anyone of you here be it are you participating this year IVP or not ultimately in the long run this team needs you and you need the team . Our girls team have always been strong this time and last year was just a trip. This trip is a blessing in disguise. This trip has led us to realize that other schools have raise their bench sometimes is this trip that will prevent a fall.

Same goes for the overall man champion we will kick asses this year !!"

Those other schools...Its obvious that its us right? And are we going to let them kick our asses this year? I sure hope thats not your dream cause its not mine.

Wake up and start thinking about winning, cause everyones got the same thought, its just a matter of who will do it. That's me, and I sure hope that's each and every one of you as well.
