Monday, April 26, 2010

To the new family

Hello freshies who passed the ordeal of fire (ok, not really) earlier this evening.

once again, CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a part of us.

While here, you will learn more than just Kayaking. Kayaking is the medium through which you evolve from being a normal human, to a superhuman. Of the seniors standing around you just now, there were lifeguards and lifeguards to be, and nearly all of them were triathletes.

Is this a boast? Arrogance? Elitist behavior?


There is no space for arrogance on this team. What I hoped to achieve by highlighting all these to you guys, is to set the standard that you will one day achieve, with enough dedication. Maybe you will even surpass your seniors. I wouldn't be surprised.

But of course, you must also have a passion for the sport, otherwise there are so many others available, you could have taken your pick.

Just for the fun of it: We also have magicians..... chefs... teachers.... musicians....



...Just kidding.

Being a canoeist does not limit your talent. Nor does it limit your life.

Did our training schedule scare you into believing that your social life will all but vanish?

Then you should probably ought to know that we.....

Probably have had more 'life'......

Than most youths who have all the free time in the world, and find it great at first, but subsequently wind up with 'I'm bored.' or 'ARRRGHHH SO FREE TODAY~' Status Updates on facebook.

Of course these are just a few pictures. Some are really quite forbidden, see ^^ But once you're familiar with us, you'll find out.... doubtlessly....

So, why not take all that free time, and channel it into getting an 8-pack / 26-inch waist, or maybe a shiny Gold medal or two?

The one who'll be rewarded ultimately, will be you.

Have a good stay in TPKRT. =)

Josh Kiiro,

(P.S. Anybody is welcome to come back on Wednesday to see the new additions to the family. It'll be fun to see them being put through the same thing as you were.)