Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First training.

Today wraps up the intake of AY10/11. Congratulations to everybody who made it in, and we'll welcome back those who didn't quite make it, next year. Worry not - by fighting so hard to stay, you're already champions in your own right.

As reinforced many, many times before, this isn't the end, to those who've made the cut. It is just the beginning. The trainings will escalate in difficulty and frequency, until finally, the trials will seem to you like a walk in the park. Of course, we will not be dumping everything onto you from the get-go - this isn't a boot camp - But rest assured : We cannot guarantee that you will be the strongest. But we sure as hell will TRAIN you to be.

To that end, we're going to have to kick it up slightly right from the start, to weed out those who are slightly weaker of heart. Ultimately, each category only has one gold medal for the taking - Numbers do not matter so much in this sport. Be prepared.

What does becoming a TP Kayak Racer mean to you? We're unique, because we're not just canoeists.

Be it lifesaving

Or triathlons
Or marathons, or really, anything which requires great mental fortitude.

We're versatile, and the mental strength we gain through training is one-size-fits-all across the board. And our physical strength is sought after even by other sports teams. The reason you're in today, is because we have recognized these two aspects of your strength. You dared to be one of us. And so here you are.

Oh, just an update:

Training will commence this SATURDAY, 1st MAY instead of thursday. This is to give you guys more time to rest. Also, we feel that the monday and wednesday's trials should begin training together, since you're all one team now.

Timing for this Saturday, TBA, but Please set the whole day aside, to be safe (day, not night.)

Please watch this space.
