Thursday, April 29, 2010

First Training Details...

The Very First Training

Hey Freshies! I know you can't wait to get started with training now. Please take note that your very first training will commence this SATURDAY, 1 May 2010.

Time: 10.30 - 1 pm (Please be punctual)
Meeting Venue: Sports Complex
Things to bring: Sports Attire/with sports shoes

Do bring extra clothes to bathe after training as there is a chance of you going into the water. (You wouldn't want to smell like reservoir after training do you?)

Swimming Training

Just to add on, swimming training starts next MONDAY, 3 May 2010.

Time: 6.30 - 8.30 pm
Venue: Swimming Pool (Its at the end of engine sch)
Things to bring: Goggles,
Trunks or Tights (Guys)
Swimming Costume (Girls)
Extra Clothes to bathe after swimming

Do note that with shorts, you will not be able to go down to the pool. So I advise you freshies to get your stuffs over the weekends, as a team. (That would be best)

As you are busy shopping over the weekends, please be reminded that you will have to get a pair of booties to prevent your feet from getting hurt when you train at the reservoir.

Booties look something like this...

You can get really cheap ones if you buy from beach road, in bulk. (After bargaining of course =D)

We'll see you on saturday. =)