Friday, April 30, 2010


RAQ = Recently Asked Questions (Duh) so if you've asked a question recently, I'm only going to answer it once, here, although some are really too silly to warrant a reply.... But I shall be nice.

Q: If I am sick/ not feeling well/ just recovered, do I still need to come for training?
A: No, you don't, as long as you tell me or any of the appointment holders far in advance. Even if its on the same day. No, scratch that, you can even tell your friend, who will then relay it to us, its fine. As sportsmen, one fundamental skill is the ability to know your limits, and coming for training while sporting a fever is just asking for trouble. What would you hope to achieve by that?

That said, I will not accept being sick as an excuse for being late. You do not text me that you are not feeling well enough to come for training at 9am, in the event that training starts at 9am. My policy as a captain is always to give people the benefit of the doubt if possible, but there are some things I have to put my foot down on.
Q: I am not feeling well, but I came for training anyway, can I do less sets?
A: I don't exactly buy the 'hero' thing. Especially if you're late because of the 'illness'. So you will either sit out the training, or do the same as the rest.

You will find that most organizations in the outside world will not accept anything less than an MC. We are very lenient in the sense that we place the responsibility to turn up for training in your own hands.

This way, the weak of heart will drop out faster, leaving only the driven.

Q: When's the first training for freshies?
A: I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this, since if you can read this post, you should have no problem reading the previous one. But I'm just going to play nice, one more time. (copy + paste)

The Very First Training

Hey Freshies! I know you can't wait to get started with training now. Please take note that your very first training will commence this SATURDAY,1 May 2010.

Time: 10.30 - 1 pm (Please be punctual)
Meeting Venue: Sports Complex
Things to bring: Sports Attire/with sports shoes

Do bring extra clothes to bathe after training as there is a chance of you going into the water. (You wouldn't want to smell like reservoir after training do you?)

The next person who asks this question, I will set a moose on you.

Q: Its the Kayak racing team, so can I only Kayak?
A: No.

Q: Really? I have to join if I do not want to?
A: Yes.

Q: Is the swimming training compulsory for freshies?
A: Yup, it is. Physical training is one aspect. Team bonding is another. Also, if you cannot swim, you'll have some trouble in the reservoir in future. And also with being on a team of lifeguards and triathletes.

Q: Can I wear surfing shorts?
A: Frankly speaking, I don't really give two hoots what you wear. I believe people should be entitled to that much freedom of expression. Hell, If it would make you swim a 25 second lap, I'd let you wear a thong as long as nothing shows. HOWEVER, TP's pool regulations state that all swimwear has to be skintight. You'd get chased out otherwise. Sorry 'bout that!

Q: Do I need to bring trunks tomorrow? (Saturday training)
A: Well, most likely you will not be needing it tomorrow. For the guys, we have a special programme planned to cut your numbers ASAP, to be left with the cream of the crop (Once again, it is not because the rest are not good. It is due to the fact that even if we have 100 people, there can only be a handful of gold medallists. No point fighting each other, that'd be kinda silly. So we can only afford to take in the best.) Also, you probably wouldn't want to wear trunks for reservoir training. You can have a look at the standard attire tomorrow.

However, if it doesn't bother you, make a habit of stuffing your trunks/tights into your bag every day - You never know when you might need it, or have an hour to spare to swim a few laps. It doesn't take up much space, anyway.

Q: Are slippers allowed for first training?
A: Ok, to make things clear, there isn't exactly a ban on slippers. However, it is strongly advised to get yourself proper footwear (booties or crocs, at the least) that covers your foot, to avoid unwarranted injuries. Such as stepping on sharp rocks in shallow waters. Take this as good advice from someone with 2 years' worth of experience stepping on sharp objects in the reservoir. You can't go wrong.

Q: Can I don't go for swimming lessons? I'm already a swimmer.
A: I am actually very glad that you did not put your name that time, because I'm going to be straightforward. First and foremostly, that is an extremely arrogant statement. In a sense, you are insinuating that you are a better swimmer than us, and therefore have nothing more to learn from us.

Secondly, we DID say that we will be teaching swimming to the non-swimmers. However, you will notice that in the post below, it says 'Swimming Training'. Not 'Lessons'. If you are already good, we will simply group you with the others who already know how to swim, and if you're still better than them, you can progress from there. In the event that you're a world apart from them, you can train with us. There's always a higher level to reach, and in the past, we've even had an ex water polo player starting right from the bottom with everyone else.

Lastly, I leave you with this: Even lets say, you're a club or even National level swimmer- There is nothing quite like slow and steady progress. As they say, if you skip a single rung, you'll end up misjudging the height of the ladder. If you get my drift.

I hope that answers any pending questions. If there's anything else, you may ask us tomorrow. Ciao! (And please be on time.)


Thursday, April 29, 2010

First Training Details...

The Very First Training

Hey Freshies! I know you can't wait to get started with training now. Please take note that your very first training will commence this SATURDAY, 1 May 2010.

Time: 10.30 - 1 pm (Please be punctual)
Meeting Venue: Sports Complex
Things to bring: Sports Attire/with sports shoes

Do bring extra clothes to bathe after training as there is a chance of you going into the water. (You wouldn't want to smell like reservoir after training do you?)

Swimming Training

Just to add on, swimming training starts next MONDAY, 3 May 2010.

Time: 6.30 - 8.30 pm
Venue: Swimming Pool (Its at the end of engine sch)
Things to bring: Goggles,
Trunks or Tights (Guys)
Swimming Costume (Girls)
Extra Clothes to bathe after swimming

Do note that with shorts, you will not be able to go down to the pool. So I advise you freshies to get your stuffs over the weekends, as a team. (That would be best)

As you are busy shopping over the weekends, please be reminded that you will have to get a pair of booties to prevent your feet from getting hurt when you train at the reservoir.

Booties look something like this...

You can get really cheap ones if you buy from beach road, in bulk. (After bargaining of course =D)

We'll see you on saturday. =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First training.

Today wraps up the intake of AY10/11. Congratulations to everybody who made it in, and we'll welcome back those who didn't quite make it, next year. Worry not - by fighting so hard to stay, you're already champions in your own right.

As reinforced many, many times before, this isn't the end, to those who've made the cut. It is just the beginning. The trainings will escalate in difficulty and frequency, until finally, the trials will seem to you like a walk in the park. Of course, we will not be dumping everything onto you from the get-go - this isn't a boot camp - But rest assured : We cannot guarantee that you will be the strongest. But we sure as hell will TRAIN you to be.

To that end, we're going to have to kick it up slightly right from the start, to weed out those who are slightly weaker of heart. Ultimately, each category only has one gold medal for the taking - Numbers do not matter so much in this sport. Be prepared.

What does becoming a TP Kayak Racer mean to you? We're unique, because we're not just canoeists.

Be it lifesaving

Or triathlons
Or marathons, or really, anything which requires great mental fortitude.

We're versatile, and the mental strength we gain through training is one-size-fits-all across the board. And our physical strength is sought after even by other sports teams. The reason you're in today, is because we have recognized these two aspects of your strength. You dared to be one of us. And so here you are.

Oh, just an update:

Training will commence this SATURDAY, 1st MAY instead of thursday. This is to give you guys more time to rest. Also, we feel that the monday and wednesday's trials should begin training together, since you're all one team now.

Timing for this Saturday, TBA, but Please set the whole day aside, to be safe (day, not night.)

Please watch this space.


Monday, April 26, 2010

To the new family

Hello freshies who passed the ordeal of fire (ok, not really) earlier this evening.

once again, CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a part of us.

While here, you will learn more than just Kayaking. Kayaking is the medium through which you evolve from being a normal human, to a superhuman. Of the seniors standing around you just now, there were lifeguards and lifeguards to be, and nearly all of them were triathletes.

Is this a boast? Arrogance? Elitist behavior?


There is no space for arrogance on this team. What I hoped to achieve by highlighting all these to you guys, is to set the standard that you will one day achieve, with enough dedication. Maybe you will even surpass your seniors. I wouldn't be surprised.

But of course, you must also have a passion for the sport, otherwise there are so many others available, you could have taken your pick.

Just for the fun of it: We also have magicians..... chefs... teachers.... musicians....



...Just kidding.

Being a canoeist does not limit your talent. Nor does it limit your life.

Did our training schedule scare you into believing that your social life will all but vanish?

Then you should probably ought to know that we.....

Probably have had more 'life'......

Than most youths who have all the free time in the world, and find it great at first, but subsequently wind up with 'I'm bored.' or 'ARRRGHHH SO FREE TODAY~' Status Updates on facebook.

Of course these are just a few pictures. Some are really quite forbidden, see ^^ But once you're familiar with us, you'll find out.... doubtlessly....

So, why not take all that free time, and channel it into getting an 8-pack / 26-inch waist, or maybe a shiny Gold medal or two?

The one who'll be rewarded ultimately, will be you.

Have a good stay in TPKRT. =)

Josh Kiiro,

(P.S. Anybody is welcome to come back on Wednesday to see the new additions to the family. It'll be fun to see them being put through the same thing as you were.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For those that might be checking out Kayak Racing, heres a little video to give you an idea of what we do =)

If your adrenalin doesnt get pumping by the end of the video, I dont know what else will.

:D Sam

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To Freshies of AY10/11

To all potential Kayak Racers, if you're strong of mind, strong of heart and have biceps bigger than your head (that's a bonus), we want YOU.

If you think your willpower can qualify you as a canoeist, come on down for our trials on the 26th and 28th April (Monday and Wednesday) at Temasek Polytechnic Sports Complex.

As a TP kayaker, You'll also experience the wonderful world of doing all sports under the sun. You will see what I mean, in time to come.

Who knows, you just might go from this....

To this.

He reminds me of Austin Powers.

For more information, visit our booth, C10 from the 21st - 23rd. Our helpful senior guys and extremely cute girls will be on hand to answer all questions you may have.

Dare to be one of us.

Josh Kiiro,

(P.S. Freshies, please don't be scared off by the training schedule in the previous post below. That's not for you. Unless you want to, of course. :D)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Training Schedule

Monday: Swimming @7PM

Tuesday: Water Training

Wednesday: Swimming(Optional w/tri-team)

Thursday: Land Training @7PM

Saturday: Water Training

Hey guys please take note that NCC is held on the 29&30 MAY!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Your goals....

For those who've sent me back your goal setting sheet with April completed, thanks for your promptness.

For those who have yet to do so, please try to complete it and send it back to me asap. Its already the middle of the month, just half a month left for you reach for your month's end goal.

So far so good, but just a reminder to try to keep the goals realistic, and attainable by 31st April.

Remember: I can try my best to help you even while on SIP, but not unless you help yourselves first.


Friday, April 9, 2010

The mysterious email.

You MAY have noticed a little surprise in your email. (minus the graduating seniors...)

Relax, I don't want you to print them out.

What I DO want, is for you to fill in the 'April' box with your lesser goals, the small stepping stones you take on your way to the big goal. Set realistic goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the month. Then email the file back to me.

In the past, we trained for the sake of training. Its time you guys start to set a direction.

For the new batch to be spartans, the old batch must be 10 times more spartan.



Monday, April 5, 2010

The Web of communication

The Web is up at last! Let's all thank Xiu Ting for her work on this.

Remember that every last one of you have to play your part - otherwise the chain will be broken, and then I'll be forced to screw some people. Against my will of course. *evil grin*

On another important note, training has been pushed to 6pm to allow boat holders some time to rest before the night swim and run.

no excuse for being late now....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just for the week...

This week's training, we shall revert back to the hell week of biathlons. What a familiar, comforting thought.

Just in case you were snoozing while coach was explaining, 3 reasons:

1) Our stamina sucks. (relatively speaking) No, I'm not going to make that sound any nicer.

2) OSIM triathlon is next weekend, and most of us are taking part. Time to get your muscles conditioned, and in shape, methinks.

3) From Tuesday to Friday, the reservoir will be completely occupied due to the Nationals, so we can't row anyway.

oh, and on a completely unrelated note...

4) Time to even out those tan lines.

This week's training:

Tuesday to Friday

As such, this week's training will be at 4.30pm, from Tuesday to Friday. Coach has already briefed the sets, but if you forget, I'll tell you again during training.

As for tomorrow...

Tomorrow, meet at the pool at 9.15am. We will be doing a short swim, then 5km run with coach. Its only a mini-biathlon for tomorrow because at 12noon -2pm, we will be rowing for the last time in a long while.

The 'Cheng Tng Fund Penalty' still applies, even if it isn't water training.

See you guys tomorrow!

P.S : The last passing of information was pretty good, but one person still got left out previously. Lets please do each other a favour, and spread the word about this post and training timings more effectively this time round, arite?

P.P.S : Yi Hsiang wants to go to town after training tomorrow. Just spreading the word.

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