Monday, February 8, 2010

Hi team,

I think that most of you have heard the news that coach can no longer afford to provide us with FOC usage of his boats as of now. and I know that many of you are either unhappy or reluctant to pay $50 for the monthly rental for this month and March. Yet I think that each of you should take some time to reconsider the situation and handle this with maturity.

I do agree that it is unfair that the school has stopped funding us for reasons only the management think is viable. Yet on our part, many of you have come to me worrying about the near competitions..." then how to win MR500???"

Well, the solution really is extremely simple. Pay $100 for the 2 months and squeeze every ounce of energy and time to train to make it worth your money. I mean HEY! $50 for unlimited usage for the entire month! Indeed $100 seems like a big sum of money, but after all... Chinese New Year is just a weekend away isnt it? It really boils down to whether you are willing to part with your money.

I bet all of you have heard this saying before: When the going gets tough, the TOUGH GETS GOING. Not only in terms of pushing hard during training, but its also how you overcome these obstacles that life puts in front of you. This is only but a small stumbling pebble and if you're unable to bend down and pick this pebble up to throw it away, what makes you think you're ready to face life's challenges?

You know, Singaporeans have this culture of " Gimme, gimme, gimme" but not "I'll Give,I'll let go, I'll sacrifice" I wouldnt want my teammates to be brought up with this kind of mindset where we take everything that the school or coach has to give us, but when there's nothing left for us to take, and its our turn to give, we cant.

Every sportsman knows how much they sacrifice in their life to get that winning medal. Not only in terms of physical but monetary also. They invest in the best boats, the best bicycles, the best running shoes. In your case, its only a matter of sacrificing $50/ month to train hard and nothing else. You are paying $50 to train with the best boats!

I know that some of you are thinking if its possible to claim back the money from the school at the start of the new AY. Well, think about it...we dont know how much you all would be spending for the next year and if by any chance (fingers crossed hopefully not) the budget exceeds again, wont the cycle repeat itself all over that you would need to pay the rental fee once again this time next year? Don't play a part in allowing history to repeat itself.

The team needs to go to the root of the problem. Which is: Short term, each of you needs to pay $50 for 2 months to train. Dig out the problem and both parties will benefit. You as well as our dearest coach. You'll get to train, and he has money to feed himself and his wife.

On the other hand, I understand that some of you have tight pockets. Meaning you wont even be able to afford $100. Well, work around the problem then. :) Spend the next 2 months building up on your stamina and strength. Run like mad and Swim until you can swim faster than the TP swimmers. I can assure you that when you get on a boat in April, you'll be faster than you are right now.

And of course, we can always represent Endorphin Kayaking for the upcoming races.

I hope that all of you give it some thought. if you still need to discuss anything feel free to talk to me yea.

Don't give in, prove SAA wrong.
TP Kayakers are fighters!