Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mondays and Fridays

From this week, The compulsory trainings will be

6pm, Sports Complex
Land Training

6.30pm, Swimming Pool
Swimming/Cross Training

10.30am, Reservoir

Of course, there'll be rowing in between, but they're not compulsory sessions because all our different timetables are taken into account.

When there IS rowing, you'll be informed, though, of course.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

For the rest of the week's training...

In case some of you guys didn't hear what coach said earlier or couldn't make it for training due to some personal reasons...

Training on Friday (11 June 2010)
Meeting place: Sports Complex
Time: 2.30pm Sharp
Things to bring: Booties and Sports Shoes

Training on Saturday (12 June 2010)
Meeting place: Sports Complex
Time: 11.30am Sharp
Things to bring: Booties and Sports Shoes

It's been a while since you juniors joined the team already. As such, you should have almost all your teammates numbers by now.

As teammates, our junior team, it's important that you keep each other updated. You can't just wait for us seniors to slowly update those who didn't turn up for training.

"If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone."

Seniors, your training will be after the juniors training for tmr and 8am on saturday.

Thanks =)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

First Holiday Training

Tml (Monday 7/6) there will be rowing. Thus. swimming will be cancelled. The whole week training have already been already planned. I will inform you guys about the trainings days after training tmr.

Freshies: Be at sport complex at 1 30 sharp. Bring your sport shoe and bootie or crocs. For those who do not own a booties or crocs, you are not allowed to row.

Seniors: Our traning will be from 4 till 6. I will expect all of you to help to coach the freshies unless you have a valid reason. Pls inform me if you are not coming earlier if not i will expect all of you guys. Don't forget to bring your booties or else.... Coach already made it clear. Btw crocs is also allowed.

Time to push ourselves to the limit...


Friday, June 4, 2010

We all need a laugh, sometimes.

It the last paper, no? Go own it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hi guys. Glad to hear that you've finished your papers, or at least, sweeping the last few into the gutter soon.

Just something for you to note:

Training will resume on Monday night, 7pm, swimming training!

You will be briefed on subsequent trainings after Monday when you come for Monday's training, because it really isn't wise to display your training plan for the world to see.

Reason for Monday being, I'm sure the last thing you guys want to do right after your last paper would be to wake up at ungodly hours in the morning and drag your ass down to training. So take a well-earned holiday, the Saturday after. (You might also -probably- be partying/celebrating late Friday night, but Imma turn a blind eye to that.)

Of course, I know some of you are aching to row already. Me too, really.

But rest assured, there'll be plenty served soon. Because your first preview into holiday training is about to commence.

Seniors, you know what this entails.

Freshies...... Ehehehehehhh. >=)

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