Today marks the end of exams for MOST of us. Hope you've enjoyed your hours of freedom. I know I have.
For the rest of the guys - just important updates to take note of. (I repeat, IMPORTANT)
1) FRIENDLY RACE TOMORROW (Saturday) will be at 7.30 sharp, meet the reservoir by 7.15. If you ask me AM or PM, I will set Yi Hsiang on you. Our Opponents are SP, and ACS (I). Incidentally, if you are reading this now, you really should be asleep, so go sleep right after you read this post. Shoo.
2) Holiday Trainings will be daily, as usual, but it will not be so hectic right from the get go. Bear in mind that while the training will be flexible because we are training for different things right now, there should still be a basic structure.
Mondays - Morning, Self train - Evening, Swimming
Tuesdays - Morning, Self train - Night, Strength Gymming
Wednesdays - REST DAY.
Thursdays - Morning, Swimming - Night, Land Training
Fridays - Morning, Endurance Gym, Evening - Self Train
Saturday - If coach allows, Time Trial.
Self training can refer to...
1) Long distance running (Difficult to do as a team, due to varying fitness)
2) Rowing by yourself - The swift racings are, as always, available - both K1 and K2. You may also use Adrian's Elio IF you ask, and he says yes. He is a very nice guy.
3) Climbing stairs (this helps a lot.) Interval running (This too, but not before Strength Gymming.) or Swimming long distance. (In preparation for triathlon)
Also bear in mind that this is the best schedule tentatively, but due to the extremely volatile situation at the moment, it can change anytime. If you guys have any better suggestion, do let me know. I am always open to constructive criticism. Besides, this is a democracy. =D
The goal here now, is to improve the various individual elements of your strength: Raw Power, Stamina,
VO2 max,
Lactic Threshold, Mental Endurance etc, by all means short of actually rowing.
By Self-training, it does not mean you split up as a team. In fact, i would advise that you train together with teammates of strength about your level, so that you can push each other better. This is the time that we need it the most.
3) TPKRT AGM will be held on Friday, 5th March, after training. Please. make. It. Free. Your absence will speak very much louder that your actual person being there, I assure you. Aside from the fact that no, you can't depend on someone to relay to you every last thing that is going to be said there. Also, it is heavy on participation. And it will be fun. So its not all information that can be passed on.
That said, it actually is compulsory attendance, so while i am asking you real nicely to come, bad things will happen if you don't. :D
It was originally set to be on the 6th, which is Saturday, but since our friday evenings are free-er with the new schedule, why not put it on Friday, so that we don't have to stay back on Sat, right? Plus, it makes booking the meeting room easier.
4) Boats Rentals are , for now, no longer an issue. You may pay me $50, should you wish to make use of coach's boats during the 'self training' periods, if you are one of those taking part in MR, but I will no longer enforce it as compulsory. This will be explained to the team as a whole during AGM, or the next time the whole team gathers.
5) MR 500 will be held at the end of the month, and it is the race which all non-NJCC participants are waiting for.... well, I speak for myself, at the very least, because it is the last race i can participate in before I head off to LUSH 99.5fm. Sob. Its good this time round, in the sense that the participation fee is $17 per head, REGARDLESS of how many events you are taking. Yes, there are T-1 and T-2 events, so do give some thought to which event you want to take, and bring the $17 down with you to the AGM, to make Yan Ling's job easier.
Update: MR 500 is not a compulsory race. It is, however, more of a stress-free race, which would be good to take advantage of since
1) It is at home ground - no transport cost issues. Plus, we are more used to the water.
2) You will want some indication that your training for the month of March is paying off. What better place to test it?
3) Medals. Why else?
one last thing....
6) REPLYING TEXT MESSAGES is one of the most basic courtesies you can give to anyone. I know some of you lead extremely hectic lifestyles, and you pick up your phone, see the message, become too busy to reply, decide to reply later, put it down - and then completely forget about it. People do that all the time - it's normal.
However, you guys are not 'normal'. You are anything but - you are kayakers - and starting April, you are going to be responsible for leading the little group of penguins coming in.
If a remarkable sense of responsibility is needed to answer one little text message, then you jolly well develop it. Please.
I know my tone may sound slightly miffed, but don't worry - I will give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you are highly busy, due to exams and the like during this period.
In future, however, please make an effort to reply any message you receive, even if it is from your most hated stalker.
Actually, on second thought, don't reply, if its from your most hated stalker.
For those who did reply - I love you. ;D
On a more serious note, I don't believe that 'K' is the most brutal reply, so go ahead and spam me with it - it shows at least that my message has been acknowledged. Not because I am the captain - please do it to anyone, because if I show you the courtesy of personally texting you, instead of simply passing the message by asking someone to forward it to you, the least you could do is answer. Thanks a bunch, guys!